Okay, I do not know how to call this post, but I do have things to say, like that I went to the beach today. We went to this little beach where there were like five people apart from us, and it was really nice. My dad had to pick up and throw my sisters so they would go into the water. I just swam around and found out that there were these weird jelly things lying around. I took a seashell and hit one hard. It split in half, and it didn't seem alive. I mean, it didn't look alive in the first place, but my dad thought it was a jellyfish or something. It did not look anything like a jellyfish... it was just like this piece of ice that was shaped like a tube... really odd. Apart from that, it was a pretty uneventful day. I did math, played flute, did my puzzle, so on. On my puzzle: it is going pretty well. I am missing a few pieces (moves fault) and I just need to fill in some dolphins and blue sea. Then I will take a picture and show it to you guys... I bet you will like it!
Anyways, I just a picture:

And who is the lucky artist, you ask? Well, um, it was me! Do you know the youtube video that I mentioned a few posts ago, the one that inspired me to write The Story of a Family? Well, take a look at
this video (click the link to see it) and if you are not interested in the content of this video fast-forward to about 7:35- 7:40ish. You'll see where I got the idea from (the idea for the drawing, I mean. I don't think anybody could guess where I got the idea for my story from). Oh, and tell me if you like the other version or my own.
Vocabulary: Stove top= hot plate (odd).
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