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Sunday, January 8, 2012

Far Away

Australia is so far away from the rest of the world... it is hard to get certain things that you can easily get in America. For instance, Santa's mail. We tried getting amazon to ship the shipment directly from there but ended up sending it to my aunt. She had to send it to us and so on. Hopefully my sisters will start asking for things that can be found here and not somewhere else. Today I got a new wardrobe. But that was the end of the day. In the morning I didn't really do anything but in the afternoon we all (except for my mom) rode our bikes to the park. We played there for a while and Monkey was really excited because she got to ride on a bike that my mom bought her that we attached to my dad's bike. It is like a second set of set and pedals that you can attach. Vocabulary: Colour, instead of color. See, my computer counts it as wrong.

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