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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Another Bike Ride

As the title reveals, I had another bike ride today. But I won't tomorrow, because what bad luck I have: My back wheel ran over a piece of glass which totally pierced it right through. I realized that something was wrong right when we arrived at our alley, and my dad found the piece of glass. I do not know when we will go to fix this problem, but hopefully it will be soon because my sisters go crazy if they do not get their daily bike ride. Anyways, before that, we just kind of went a different way. We ended up going across a tall bridge and into a little park that was there. Then it started raining and we went back home. In the morning it had also rained, but much harder, and every once in a while I would stop playing my flute to peek out my window, because rain is interesting to watch. Today my mom also found out that we have a leak in the ceiling (well, we have two, but the second one just gets the ceiling wet and doesn't drip down like the other one). Now we have to put a bucket in the middle of the hall and hope that the people will just fix everything already. I am getting kind of mad at the broken drain in the shower business because I do not like having to share the shower with my parents because sometimes I have to wait and I also have to go up two stories to get there. I also am mad because I don't have shutters yet and there is a street lamp right outside my window and the sheet doesn't really block out its light much, so I have some trouble getting to sleep. I am sitting here, listening to music, and thinking "It has been like months already, and these people won't fix simple things that all people need in life!" after that a mad face. This is a list of what these people are not fixing: shower drain, shutters, ceiling, kitchen fan (we have set the fire alarm off like two times aready, so at least we know it works!). There might be other things, but I forget. Also, the mover people have to pay to fix my bookshelf, my souvenirs (I have said before that many of them are broken, like my unicorn which lost its head and its horn off its head), a special ceramic lizard, and so on. It is really sad how many broken down things there are in this house (including the flaws of the house itself). I have not been looking in my australian language book so I cannot say anything else (and even if I do say something tomorrow it will probably be something that australians almost never use, like the rock name which I forget).

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