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Monday, January 16, 2012


I am sick, as the title might portray. That is why I did not write yesterday. I will explain why: I went to Vietnam. Haha, kidding the audience, I went to the Vietnam section of Melbourne to a festival, called the lunar festival. There we all walked around, looking at all the food and such. We ate some of it, and it turns out that all the food was extremely greasy, and I guess that did not go well with me. I started feeling odd when we were about to leave the festival, but it didn't really hurt that much. But by the time I got home I had to lie in bed and feel bad. I did throw up. So that is why I didn't write yesterday. I also got a new Ikea desk, but it isn't assembled yet. It will match my chair. Today I will draw lots of drawings of my characters and then post them up tonight. I am almost done with one right now, but my mom insisted on a new layer for the text... which I don't know how to add, so I need her help. Don't worry, I am the only one that got sick so the rest of the family will be fine.

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