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Sunday, January 1, 2012


Okay, today my topic is about vacation. Australians take it very seriously. My mom hasn't gotten a single work email since the last day of work (maybe not even before that, but who knows). The mail stopped going like maybe two days before Christmas, then started working like one or two days after Christmas. It stopped again something like two days ago, and will not work until the third. There is also a coffee shop that is really close to our house that shut down maybe a few weeks ago. They will be on vacation for a total of five weeks, and no, I do not know what week it is right now. Also, since today I went to the grocery store, I noticed that there was almost nothing left of bread and many other things (soda was a highlight too), and am thinking that the stores have not been able to stock up since everybody isn't working. Anyways, today I basically stayed in the house all day (all day it was like 40 degrees centigrade, like 100 degrees Fahrenheit) because it was so hot. My mom and dad had to move the laundry to the balcony where anyone can see it because my mom was worried that the clothes would fade because of the sun. I had to stay out of my room most of the time because I was sweating like crazy. Just because I thought it might be interesting to comment on, I am reading The War of the Worlds. My dad recommended it, and I am kind of interested in how the world can end (haha, the apocalypse hasn't happened yet!). No vocabulary since I have not been in contact with the outside world today.

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