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Sunday, December 25, 2011

CHRISTMAS! (and Christmas eve too)

Today is Christmas! My sisters ran down two flights of stairs just to stamp their feet on the ground and wake me up, but today I didn't mind because a few days ago Santa went SHOPPING. My littlest sister got the most presents. Here is a list of things that everyonee got (might forget something):

Littlest sister:
-dragon from Santa
-Lalaloopsy doll (look up images) from Santa
-picture of horse from me
-knight from me
-breyer horse from me
-zhu-zhu pet from Santa
-little plastic chick that came with the doll from Santa
-stuffed animal sparkly orange fish from Santa
-bicycle from Santa
-pillow pet from the older sister
- bike helmet for bike (wearing a helmet while riding a bike is law here) from Santa

Next sister:
-lalaloopsy doll from Santa
-zhu-zhu pet from Santa
-drawing of a horse from me
-little plastic cow that came with the doll from Santa
-dragon from Santa
-koala stuffed animal from Santa
-bicycle from Santa
-bella sara trading cards from me
-drawing from little sister of her
- helmet for bike from Santa

-Little raccoon (called Shifu because he looks like a kung fu dude) from Santa
-Lap desk from mom and dad
-a drawing of me from the older sister
-A AUSTRALIAN BIRDS GUIDE! (really awesome!) from Santa
-new bike from santa!
-helmet for bike from Santa

-drawing of the rice university owl from me
-drawing of a bird from older sister

-drawing of an imperial eagle from me
-book about foodies in Melbourne from Santa
-drawing of a horse from the older sister

We all got a giant bar of chocolate, milk chocolate, and a jelly thing in our stockings (obviously from Santa)

Yesterday we moved into our new house and slept in it for the first time. We ate dinner and then went to the giant park that I have talked about before (the fort park that is really awesome) and played there for a while. then here comes the cool part: we saw bats. The whole way when we were walking back home we were watching them, and some even came very close. I thought it was something like migration, because even after we entered the house they were still flying around. It was the never ending stream of bats, and it was amazing. I was actually the one that saw that they were bats, because the rest of the family thought they were birds. I noticed the difference because of the wings, which are not the same as birds' wings. I also noticed because they had little feet sticking out the back of their bodies. My room is total chaos and it was very hard to clear the bed and sleep in it. I also discovered what the twelve days of Christmas are: remember the spanish holiday that I mentioned in earlier posts? Well, there is twelve days between Christmas and that, so I finally figured THAT out (after four or five years of wondering) All on all, this was an amazing Christmas, very different from others.

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