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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Model Horse Terms

The horses part of my blog isn't JUST for real horses- why not throw in model horses as well? Today I'll just list all the model horse terms I know so far.

LSQ- Live show quality. There is such a thing as showing model horses to get rosettes and so on.

PSQ- Photo show quality. Basically like live showing, except with pictures of the horse.

NSQ- Not show quality, meaning it has marks that are very noticeable. I think it basically means shelf quality.

SQ- Shelf quality, meaning that it isn't live show quality, but that it still looks nice on a shelf. Most model horses come this way.

BQ- I kind of made this one up: Body quality, basically meaning that the horse has huge seam splits, a terrible paint job, and it would just look nicer if you just re-did the whole thing. Body quality horses are the horses that people usually use to customize.

And since I cannot put up a post without a picture, here is one:
I think this is like the biggest model horse show in like the world. As you can tell, it is called the North American Model Horse Shows Association. You have to pay a lot of money to show there, so you have to be an experienced shower, but it is often worth it because you get special ribbons and stuff. The horses that place first in these shows get a giant ribbon and a wooden plate thingie with a beautiful horse carving on it. Well, not a carving. But anyways. I would have put a picture up, but I can't find one that I can save. Sorry.

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