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Friday, July 20, 2012

Stuff from this Last Week

Not much has been going on lately... it's school, you know? We've already started on our design unit and have been analyzing (or should I say "analysing", I got "analyse" wrong on my spelling test because I spelled it "analyze", the American way) some products such as this sink and toilet put together (don't ask), Australian bills, a clothes hanger (for drying), and a bike helmet. I think I'm okay at that stuff. I still think this is going to be a hard topic, though. I have absolutely no idea what I would design or re- design. So that's about that.
Yesterday we also got our sixth grade graduation shirts and sweaters (or jumpers, should I say?). There is a little bit of a story behind that. Every year our teacher lets some kids who want to submit T- shirt designs (hey, I already designed something this year!) for the T- shirts. Then the whole sixth grade votes for the design it likes most and that ends up on the T- shirt. This was my entry (to the left):
Uhu. You're seeing that right. That is a dead horse jumping over a fence. I'll tell you how it went: I was just hanging around the library, looking for something to draw, when Guinea Pigs says "You can draw a dead horse jumping over a fence!"
So I did and I showed it to her and she liked it. Maybe a week or two later this T- shirt competition comes up and I'm thinking of what to draw when, all of a sudden, I think: "The dead horse jumping over the fence!" So I add the words and give it to my teacher. She gives me a funny look but takes it anyways. After a few weeks or something it is time to show the designs. All the other ones are shown before mine. Honestly, I wasn't really expecting it to be popular, first because it had a dead horse on the front, second because they were also liking the other designs, but look what happened: my teacher holds up the drawing, tells what's on it, and everybody starts yelling "YEAH!!!". It was awesome, except in the end our teacher didn't let us use it. I still think that's a funny story to tell. Yesterday I got the drawing back and everybody was eyeing it and saying "That should have been on our T- shirt." I was also going around making jokes with everyone with how the parents would be like if we did have that design on the shirts.
I don't really mind that my design didn't make it: I just drew it to please my friend, and then submitted it on a whim. It was a big uproar, though. And please don't think I'm weird... because I just said that I did that drawing for fun. I have a different humor, you know?
That was all I really had to say. On to the random picture:

I love this one. I don't get the Beddy Bye Eyes thing, but anyways... still FUNNY! Just when you thought the shelves were safe...


  1. Where did you find them? I want to look up them all!

    1. Here is the link:
      More are going to be on my blog!

  2. You should tell your teacher that as lobs as you are consistent with a spelling (i.e. American) you shouldn't be penalize ( with 'z').

    Ah. It is weird to draw a dead horse jumping over a fence...

