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Monday, July 16, 2012

School Just Started!

Yes! School has started again! This morning I just was talking with my friends when I suddenly remembered that we had passed the middle of the school year and started bouncing up and down. Yup. Only 2 more terms  to go (seriously, time flies)! I have discovered some things today:
1. Almost every single one of my friends have had a dream with me in it. One saw me getting jumped on by dogs. Another was saved by me from jumping into a volcano. Another saw me just standing there screaming when the whole class was trying to assassinate her. Yup. I am flattered.
2. I am actually really good at sports that I thought I wasn't! First we had a game of killer ball and I killed like three boys. Two of them are really good at that game. Two of them I also did in a row, with the same ball. I also am good at netball. My team scored a good 7 goals, 3 or 4 of them mine (according to my friend Dapples).
3. This integrated unit is SUPER hard! I actually already knew that, but still. I didn't tell you.
4. Tomorrow I am going with the rest of the class to see the movie "I am Eleven". This movie must be like one I saw about babies, with 11 year old kids from around the world (11 of them).
5. Oh yeah- my team tied 0-0. We would have won 1-0, except the ref called it an off side shot. I personally don't think it was, but anyways.
6. I also made this cute bag (still not quite finished, needs velcro):
I made it originally for carrying some horse of mine, but it isn't quite the right size. So I'm giving it to Dad. I need to finish it off sometime.

Okay, after all that stuff, the random picture of the day:
This was the first of all these comics that I saw. I thought it was super funny and investigated the rest. The My Little Ponies are saying: "...and can you believe those stuck up shelf hogs? Who cares about realistic and hand painted? Tiny and precious on the other hoof..."
If I had My Little Ponies or something like that I would make some of these, but since I don't I guess I'll just have to not do it.

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