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Sunday, August 12, 2012


Alright, so I'll talk about the game from last week first... . First, the score. 5-0! And no, we were not the losers. We won by FIVE goals! So awesome! The first half I was mid- fielder, and the second I was defence (or defense, whatever). For the first goal I don't think my team mate was thinking of shooting so I just scream "SHOOT!" and she does. The second I scored from like the half- way line (I have a knack for that, don't I?). The third I don't remember much, and the others I wasn't really there. So. I guess I have the magical charm or something.
As for this week's game.. we didn't do so well. I believe we lost 2-1. I got kind of frustrated because two times my teammates got in front of me and messed up the play (sigh). Once I was actually going to shoot and some player from the other team almost pushed me over. I didn't actually lose my footing, but I lost my shot. Oh well. The only reason that we didn't tie was because one of my team members didn't kick the ball when she actually had time. After that it was kind of easy for the other team to get to the goal.
There isn't much else to say. Doing school stuff, drawing Black Caviar. Not much else. I also came up with a name for this guy:
I looked up names meaning "companion" and "soul", and this is the name I liked best:
Samir. But personally, it wasn't the best, so I tweaked it. Now it is Samuel. It means "god listens", which isn't really ideal, but who cares. It can just be "he listens". See? That works!

I guess that means we can go to the RANDOM PICTURE!
Yup. I like this one too! Even after these cartoons run out I'll have more stuff... Tha pony is saying "Surely you don't really like that stuff? Why not try some of Coton Candy's homemade rainbowberry cakes? And Applejack make a pie to die for. This green stuff just doesn't compare! What do you say? How about a cherries jubilee, or some cakes..."

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