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Sunday, March 25, 2012

THe Hunger Games and John Carter!

Yay, I went on a movie spree! I finally watched the Hunger Games (after a really hard bike ride, but it was worth it), and, in the same day, John Carter. Yay! The Hunger Games I really liked, but if you're planning to watch it, read the book first. If you don't, the movie won't make much sense to you. Liked it better then John Carter, though... but John Carter was good to. It was about this guy in the 19th century that found himself in Mars. He fought with aliens, fought against aliens, and fell in LOVE! The main highlight of the movie was how he jumped (the gravity on Mars is less then ours so he jumped like meters high... he would do really well in the olympics!), and the weird thing was that there were aliens, but there were humans as well (he fought against one city of humans with the aliens and the other city of humans). It was hysterical... I really liked it. Anyways, I've been working really hard on my environmental expo project (I have to present it in front of grownups and the general public) and I have also been researching a scientist named Li Ji. I think I am doing really well on both. And last of all, some friends came over and had some dinner. All they did was talk to my mom, so I did this:
Like it? I was trying to copy cinnamonmewmew (look her up on youtube) with her computer- drawn horses- I think I actually did okay, but could do with more shading.

1 comment:

  1. that's a brilliant picture and i have also seen John Carter it was awesome and the princess was so pretty. I really wanna see the hunger games is it good anywayz cya soon bye!
