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Saturday, May 19, 2012


I like that word. Gurgle. Gurgle. GURGLE. It is funny. Anyways... tomorrow I have a soccer game. I have made progress on a project. But first, epic picture:

It is called empty world. It happened when I was trying to make a coloring page (which I am still in the process of). I just stopped working for a second and went "Whoa. That picture is cool." Then I saved it as an image of it's own. Good thing I did, too. It does remind you of an empty world with only one being in it, though, right? It is actually kind of funny, since in class I made up a story about the world ending and only one person surviving (but then he blows up on a train, so...). I just thought that would be fun to share with you all.
 This is one is totally cool too. I was just playing around with the software. I wanted to call it technicolor, but of course it isn't in color, so I called it Abstract Ruffian instead. Ruffian is this sculpture's name.

Next, an actual project:
Bear with me and try to see it- the pencil outline is finished! Now I can go on and add the color. I wonder how long that will take. Tell me what you think about it!

Okay, now to real life. Yesterday a strange occurrence happened. I saw an old lady. On a bike. With two dogs on a leash tagging along. And a child in front. The old lady was on one of those weird cargo bikes, with a trailer in front. THe kid was sitting in the trailer, and the old lady was just holding the two dogs by their leashes. I cannot recall, but maybe she had a few grocery bags with her too. It was hysterical.
Tomorrow is my soccer game. I'll keep you posted.
And please, PLEASE, somebody comment and help me come up with a name for the barn (I still haven't gotten glue)! I can't think of anything, and nobody has said anything. Please help? Comment below. ------>