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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Warning: So Far I Have 28 Pictures for this Post

Okay, news...
1. I graduated (for the second and last time).
2. I moved to a new house (an now have two bookshelves!)
3. Estoy en Espana! Ya te voy a ver a todos! (I'm in Spain.)
I'll start talking with Spain. I woke up at about 4:00 in the morning, and then couldn't go back to sleep. Bad jetlag. You need proof:
Okay, so I know it says 4:55, but I forgot to take a picture until an hour later.
Also, in Spain (at least in the winter) the sun comes up at 8:30. I checked.
Anyways, I spent about 35 hours just traveling around (oh no, almost typed a double L). The first plane was 9 hours. Then we spent 5 hours in China, trying to sleep but mostly failing because it was too cold. Then from China we took a plane to Paris that lasted 13 hours. When we got to Paris we had to actually go to the baggage claim and pick up our suitcases, then exit the airport, sign in again, and get to the right gate. Then we spent an hour or an hour and a half on the plane there. For some time this was the only view:
Then we actually got kind of close to the destination and the view was AMAZING. Sadly, I was too fascinated in the view to remember to take a picture. You know those dioramas people make of landscapes? Like mini landscapes? It looked exactly like that when we started descending. It was awesome.
Should I start with art and drawings now? Ok (goes to ipod and takes more pictures- yup: there are more than 28 now).
Sorry about the bad picture, I took it about three times, but the ipod refused to cooperate. I really like this one, even if the mane and tail color didn't come out quite right. I especially love the shading.
The best shading is over here, on the mane. Also, take a look at the eye. It isn't shading, but it's pretty awesome, isn't it?
By the way, I didn't draw it myself, I colored it. Here's another one I did last year (I think on my way to Washington D.C.):
This one is definitely loyal to the original Jewel.
I did it by memory, by the way. I think I did pretty well.
I also started on this fairy, but I'm not even close to finishing.
This one is called "The Odd Fisherman". It is inspired by one of my teachers demonstrating how long a stick should not be for marshmallow roasting.
This one's called Strawberry Shortcake. If it was in color, it would be a strawberry roan (that covers the Strawberry part...). If I actually decided to sculpt it it would also have the composition of some type of pony (ponies are "short", and they're often very sweet, like "cake").
Ah, yes. This is the "Bloodshot Eye Chart". Don't ask. I was trying to sleep, when suddenly I thought of those kinds of glasses that have bloodshot eyes on the front, and how they're always blue. Then I had to draw this.
 Ooh, back to Assassin's Creed (from now on "AC"). This is the costume of one assassin named Connor, from the latest AC game, AC 3. You know how HARD it is to get references for these things?
I had to re-do the back. That's proof.
Next I'm doing Ezio's costume (and by the way, this drawing was before traveling).
I know you can't see that very well, but you know this picture:
Yeah, that one.
I also drew another drawing of this:
 I would show you it, except the ipod couldn't pick up the lines enough. It isn't very good anyways (they're both too fat, especially Altair- he's a pig in my drawing).
That's it for drawings, but I will continue with AC stuff. I guess I'm kind of explaining it.
This is Altair (his spirit at least), who started the AC.
My friend Gingersnap told me that the AC people are enemies with the templars, and in at least two adds they show you the assassin moving the jacket to show the cross there, and then assassinating them.
In the adds the assassins are all awesome, especially the last one, named Connor. When he's assassinating the templar guy at the top there the first thing he does when he gets close enough is jump higher than a man's head and shoot the guy in the shoulder. I keep telling my friend that these guys are half bird, seriously. They jump from the top of buildings, "nod at the bird and people die, everywhere people die", and in the Revelations trailer they're about to hang him and he sees a bird and escapes. Birds are a very big part of AC.
This is Connor, from AC 3. Do you understand me now, why me and my friend are trying to decide which one is scarier (Ezio or Connor)? Connor is ripped. He killed an entire section of the British army (he apparently was a patriot), for Pete's sake! But Ezio is scary as well, just in his own undescribable way. Seriously. You do not want to meet these guys.
(this is Ezio, by the way- Connor is definitely bigger.)
By the way, remember that video I told you about? The AC Literal trailer? Well: "I am the first x-man, that joke's ahead of my time, but I'm still gonna die, who d' hell is that guy? The second x-man."
I hope you get the x-man reference from the photo (just in case you can't see, he's ejecting his hidden blades). The second x-man is the Altair ghost. And on an extra note, I wrote the whole lyrics for both the literal trailers on the plane by memory (Gingersnap will love them).
(last AC thing, I promise) Remember how I told you that Connor slaughtered a whole part of the British army? Well, in the trailer George Washington was watching, and he makes this face. It is the weirdest expression, Gingersnap and I always crack up thinking about it.
 Okay, so my friend has been sending me these pictures from a YouTube channel she watches videos from. Take a look on the release date for the video on the bottom (0 seconds ago, if you can't see).
 This one is 136 years ago...
And this one 62 years ago.
What a glitch that channel has.
(random) These clouds were awesome. This was right before we moved.
This is an idea for a drawing called "Rising Tempest". It's gonna be awesome.
Okay, I'll get on with Christmas presents:
The List:
- Schleich fairy lying on a pony (name's Snowball, the fairy is Marlena) staring at a raccoon.
-Cats, Cat Breeds, and Cat Care (OMG OMG book: CUTE KITTIES).
-Draw 50 Cats book
-The Girl from Snowy river (book)
-The Naughtiest Girl in the School, The Naughtiest Girl Again, and The
Naughtiest Girl is a Monitor books
-The Invention of Hugo Cabret (looks like an AMAZING book)
-Snorkeling gear
-A hair curling iron
-A stuffed animal heart with hands that want to hug you
-A shirt saying "there are so many ways to be a girl!"
Uh-hu, you saw right. Santa is crazy and brought me Black Caviar (which I didn't even ask for)!
 She had a full photo shoot. I have only showed you a few of the photos. Most are creative, for drawing purposes. I am trying to decide which angle to paint her from.

 Beautiful, isn't she? Her show name is "Washington B.C." Washington D.C. is the capital of America, and Black Caviar is the queen of racing. Fitting. She will probably also be the source of all my projects for the next few years. I'm going to make her:
Racing tack (but her racing tack, her bridle is different)...
Medieval fox-hunting tack (trying to decide what color, will put on Quick Questions Corner)...
and armor (most of it my design, I already showed you the begining a while back).
By the way, I think that's the order in which I'm going to do them... wait no. First I'm making her halter, maybe a blanket (or maybe even her special suit for traveling, but that's pretty complex... no, I don't think I'll make a blanket at all, it'll cover her).
I already have all the references for her tack that I need, I just need to start sketching (everything- halter, racing tack, hunters, and armor).
Okay, onto the random picture (even though the clouds were pretty random, that is not what I wanted to show you):
I saw this video (the cat kept saying "no" to the owner when she asked if it liked the bath), and I totally cracked up at it's face. It's just like "I hate this world". Poor kitty, but I'm still laughing now. Drawing it is being put into consideration.
Sorry, I forgot one more thing: the huggy heart I got for Christmas. I've pestered mom the whole year about it ever since we went to Ikea, and finally Santa has listened!
That was 36 pictures for the post. I love pictures. And just for the sake of it:
I found that just now, and I am so drawing it. The cuteness!

P.S. That's number 37.

1 comment:

  1. Podrías dibujer uno de esos paísajes de los que hablabas para que la gente se haga una idea de dónde estás.
