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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pictures for You!!

This post... basically a random collection of pictures that I have either found in my sketchbook, the wardrobe, or the internet (A.K.A. the random picture).
I will start with the one that has to do with my stories (and that was taken on my wardrobe- check!):
Explanation: I am constantly thinking that my stories are going to be made into movies (and they haven't even been written! Don't worry, I know I probably won't even get them PUBLISHED *I roll eyes*), and of course movies have to have tons of music. So whenever I hear a song that I relate to one of my stories (or some other random story), I have to write it down. The urge is really annoying sometimes, because it happens everywhere (in school, at home, in the car), and often I don't have a pencil or paper to write it down. So anyways (yes, they're under my big special Black Caviar poster, which my dad actually got from the newspaper). Yes, I have one sticky not for Idhun's Memories (actually three, I don't remember why), and another for Percy Jackson (that one actually got started today...).
Alright... sketchbook stuff!
This one actually isn't in the sketchbook, but I'm showing it to you because I finished it like a month or two ago and never showed you. I really wasn't trying very hard (it's just a draft for the actual painting, I promise, it'll look SO MUCH BETTER when I've painted it), I've just got the basic colors done (although, I do need to try to do the hair again, I wanted it to be a very light brown, like tan, but right now it's a mixture of brown and yellow. Sigh). I wonder when I'll get to actually painting the canvas (NEVER, I say! Nope, probably just a few months)?
This is the first drawing of the what I came to call "Awkward Horses" series. There are only two in it, from last year. I might have to draw more...
This one is called "Windswept". Guess why (by the way, he isn't going up a hill, I just took the picture crooked to get the tail in).
This one is called "Pegasus Can't Fly". I was actually just looking at the dates on these drawings, and it said 2012, so I guess I did these very early 2012. I remember doing them on an airplane, though, so... hmm. Again, guess why it's called that (oh, you can't see this very well, but the pegasus actually does have its mouth tilted down... you can see it if you look closely).
I was just looking around, and I found this drawing too:
(look to next picture) This is Kiki, the Unicorn from No Normal Horses. In all my drafts her color varies. She is a black in the original, I think she was a grey at some point, and then most recently she's ended up as a shiny dark bay. In her character description I named her a liver chestnut, because she looked more liver chestnut than dark bay to me. But then, just now, I see this picture: Her as a unicorn, literally a blue roan. So why don't I make her a blue roan? I'll add a bit more color to her, and she was a grey once, right(blue roans are basically a grey coloring with mixed white hairs)? So why not make her a grey again? I don't know. All I do know is that I like both colors, but have no idea which to pick. So... I guess I'll give you color samples:
At the top is a liver chestnut, which, in my opinion, is more vibrant and colorful, but that isn't actually as interesting as a blue roan. So- imagine Kiki as a unicorn (AND a horse, mind you), and tell me which one you think is best. I'll probably end up making a decision myself, but feedback would be GREAT (since this is supposed to be a book I'm supposed to try to publish someday, maybe for the little kids, who knows, it's a bit cheesy)!

Last but not least, this is a drawing I drew on some airplane last year. I don't know if this happened last year too, or if I just made it up today, but I nicknamed him "Ares". He has no other name. I named him that because he strikes me as a bit evil... it's either the eye or the kind of lightning- ish marking right on it. A flight attendant actually saw it and showed it to another flight attendant (apparently they liked it, and so do I)! Anyways, I also love the detail in the background (notice the wind! I need to do that again sometime!). Okay, one quick random picture:
I picked it up at the beginning of the year, while randomly browsing pictures. I quite like it (the only reason I have it is because I like it).

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