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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

An Update for my Followers (A.K.A. You)

Umm... school. Our integrated subject for this term is to study a country that is close to Australia (preferably somewhere in Asia). I don't know what country I want to do yet, but out of the countries I've seen so far, China looks the most interesting (communism, wrapping up their feet {yes, that's illegal now}, revolutions, etc.), but I'll probably be going for another country (no idea). We just finished our algebra unit in math, I finished reading Alice in Wonderland for reading. For writing I have written quite a few poems, of which I only really like one a lot: it is about the sun... basically it's about the sun talking about himself, talking about how he's "hot". Yeah. "Hot". One of my teachers liked it so much she made me share to the whole entire unit (but she still hasn't gotten to photocopying it after a week...). That's probably the only poem I've written in my whole entire life that I've really liked. A haiku:
I love horses lots
They come in different colors
My favorite's the spots
Yeah, that was made up on the spot (took one minute). Yeah, that kind of sucked. Anyways, we aren't even doing haikus (those are so short, you don't get to say anything!), we're doing free verse.
There's more stuff for school, but who cares? I'm sure you don't (that is meant for the general audience, there are a few exceptions).
I'll just get to other stuff. First:
That is the face of a lady named "Sersi". She's from the Marvel comic books. My friend (Gingersnap) and I were just randomly looking in her character book, and this face pops up... we crack up. A lot. I mean, seriously! She's about to throw a ball of who knows what at someone and she makes that face? Okay, I admit it, I'd be pretty scared. I guess I wouldn't crack up.
As for my art, I haven't done any this week. Miss Kitty needs finishing. So does my dear Ruffian poster (this is taking literally MONTHS). It really sucks because I want to draw so much stuff... Luke from my story, two horse faces in an epic picture, some artist resins, some rodeo pictures, a kitten, and who knows what else (I do, but I don't want to list it all)! Okay, I lied. I drew this girl:
That's Katrina, from my story. She's pretty good... except for the fact her shoulder's too high, her hair is a bit weird, and she's a bit too old. Oh well. Her sword says "Mars Est Scriptor Eligitur Unum" which means "Mars's Chosen One" in Latin (that gives away a bit... meh). I'm not going to tell you why it's in Latin. It'll just give away more (hihi, I'm evil!)
That's the only drawing. And it isn't even finished. So I haven't been very artsy this week...
What I HAVE been is writey? Authory? My point is, I've been working on my stories. So far I have completely planned out Katrina (problems, solutions, settings, and characters, and on a separate note I have actually like written down every single even that's going to happen in the story... a lot), answered some very important questions about Olympus and Camp Half- Blood (I seriously have to come up with a new name, since it's kind of Copyright), planned out Catrin (new name to be chosen as well, why do they have to sound the same? Yes, I could change the name, but I like it!), planned out The Story of a Family (just to make it totally clear, I re- read the thing and it needs SO MUCH MORE DETAIL. I can't believe how bad I was just a year ago!), planned out No Normal Horses (the different versions have different names, and even some different events! I had to put every detail together right, although I'm still going to have trouble making it sound not cheesy... that's what happens when you try to keep writing a story you made up when you were 8), and started coming up with questions for the characters (very important part of the story, nope, not telling). I still need to come up with four more!! It is so hard trying to come up with questions that the audience won't know the answer to... GROAN.
That's the writing stuff. I'm still kind of annoyed at the fact that this is going to happen all over again next year, though. It is SO frustrating having to re- write whole stories (or just writing them in the first place). Anyways, my ranking of my priorities:
1. Katrina
2.No Normal Horses
3. Catrin
4. The Story of a Family
I honestly don't know why No Normal Horses is so important to me. It just IS. So I just have to keep working on it. I honestly think that part of the reason I've started up again is that I've read the Percy Jackson series (OMG, read it RIGHT NOW!!) and I'm reading The Heroes of Olympus (the series after Percy Jackson, really annoyed that there are still two more books that won't be released until 2013 and 2014!). Another reason could be that I've found my two favorite authors' websites and read them through. Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson) said that when he wrote the first book he published the book actually like forced him to write it- like he couldn't stop! I also saw that Laura Gallego Garcia is working on several books at a time, so... I might be on the right track! And by the way, I have finally found my favorite books of all time. I've always said to people that I don't know what books are my favorites, but now I do! The best books of all time: Idhun's Memories! They are three huge books that took me like a whole month to read- but they were SO worth it! They are by Laura Gallego Garcia, and I read them in the original Spanish (but since most of you can't do that, just read them in English!). Read them. Seriously. READ THEM. Even if that means that you don't read Percy Jackson. Yeah, seriously.
And then I guess you guessed that the second best books of all time are the Percy Jackson ones. Seriously. Read those too.
Other updates... Halloween costumes.
I'll tell you about mine. First I was going to be Voldemort (or, as some might call me {and I made this up}: Voldemorta), then I was going to be a random medieval person (like last year), and then I was going to be a bird woman. I finally settled on being a reporter from medieval times, which means I wear a cape and carry around a magic wand as a microphone. How did I come up with this idea? Well, one of my friends and I have gotten into the habit of running around at playtime, screaming "OH MY GOD!! IT'S A PURPLE PLATYPUS!!" (or something of the sort) in heavy english accents. Basically, we are imitating those shows where the guys like go searching for wild animals, or like Survivor. Anyways, it's hilarious, we like, and we're going to be it for Halloween! She's going to be a modern day reporter, and when we go trick- or- treating we're going to scream "OH MY GOD!! IT'S A _______" and then say trick or treat. Then we're going to run away, screaming "OH MY GOD!! IT TRIED TO KILL US!! (because every single creature on our show is poisonous, including the pink and yellow striped zebras), leaving the poor candy- giver standing on their doorstep, completely confused as to what has happened. I love the idea.
I am also going to make a little costume for Dylan (his name was almost "My Little Ghost", so guess!). I seriously need to get a move on, though. Oh well. I think I'll get it done.
I have also re- named some horses (like their show names, not their stable names- those never change). Dylan is now Chasing the Sun (after the song, because it has vampires in the music video, he is a palomino, and I've had it stuck in my head for more than 24 hours. Seriously.), and Idocus is Here Comes the Sun. No, I didn't mean for them to both have "sun" in them. I named Idocus after the song. I figured that since he brings me so much happiness he needs a name worthy of it- I just hadn't found the right one till yesterday. So. Last thing (basically the random picture multiplied by 5):

 This girl: amazing photographer. These are her best images. Their names (in order): Wanderers, Slowly Fading Away, Hidden Beauty, Speed of Sound, and Free to Run at Last. Her best ones are probably Speed of Sound and Hidden Beauty.  I'll probably be using Speed of Sound for a drawing (if I ever get to it...)
Oh, and by the way, I say Free to Run at Last is amazing because she made the trees look like they were normal size, and the horse is in amazing focus.


  1. The picture of Katrina is AWESOME!

    1. I don't know which one you're talking about (the original or my drawing), so I'll go with that you're talking about my drawing. Thanks :)
