This post... basically a random collection of pictures that I have either found in my sketchbook, the wardrobe, or the internet (A.K.A. the random picture).
I will start with the one that has to do with my stories (and that was taken on my wardrobe- check!):
Explanation: I am constantly thinking that my stories are going to be made into movies (and they haven't even been written! Don't worry, I know I probably won't even get them PUBLISHED *I roll eyes*), and of course movies have to have tons of music. So whenever I hear a song that I relate to one of my stories (or some other random story), I have to write it down. The urge is really annoying sometimes, because it happens everywhere (in school, at home, in the car), and often I don't have a pencil or paper to write it down. So anyways (yes, they're under my big special Black Caviar poster, which my dad actually got from the newspaper). Yes, I have one sticky not for Idhun's Memories (actually three, I don't remember why), and another for Percy Jackson (that one actually got started today...).
Alright... sketchbook stuff!
This one actually isn't in the sketchbook, but I'm showing it to you because I finished it like a month or two ago and never showed you. I really wasn't trying very hard (it's just a draft for the actual painting, I promise, it'll look SO MUCH BETTER when I've painted it), I've just got the basic colors done (although, I do need to try to do the hair again, I wanted it to be a very light brown, like tan, but right now it's a mixture of brown and yellow. Sigh). I wonder when I'll get to actually painting the canvas (NEVER, I say! Nope, probably just a few months)?
This is the first drawing of the what I came to call "Awkward Horses" series. There are only two in it, from last year. I might have to draw more...
This one is called "Windswept". Guess why (by the way, he isn't going up a hill, I just took the picture crooked to get the tail in).
This one is called "Pegasus Can't Fly". I was actually just looking at the dates on these drawings, and it said 2012, so I guess I did these very early 2012. I remember doing them on an airplane, though, so... hmm. Again, guess why it's called that (oh, you can't see this very well, but the pegasus actually does have its mouth tilted down... you can see it if you look closely).
I was just looking around, and I found this drawing too:
(look to next picture) This is Kiki, the Unicorn from No Normal Horses. In all my drafts her
color varies. She is a black in the original, I think she was a grey at
some point, and then most recently she's ended up as a shiny dark bay.
In her character description I named her a liver chestnut, because she
looked more liver chestnut than dark bay to me. But then, just now, I
see this picture: Her as a unicorn, literally a blue roan. So why don't I
make her a blue roan? I'll add a bit more color to her, and she was a
grey once, right(blue roans are basically a grey coloring with mixed
white hairs)? So why not make her a grey again? I don't know. All I do
know is that I like both colors, but have no idea which to pick. So... I
guess I'll give you color samples:
At the top is a liver chestnut, which, in my opinion, is more vibrant and colorful, but that isn't actually as interesting as a blue roan. So- imagine Kiki as a unicorn (AND a horse, mind you), and tell me which one you think is best. I'll probably end up making a decision myself, but feedback would be GREAT (since this is supposed to be a book I'm supposed to try to publish someday, maybe for the little kids, who knows, it's a bit cheesy)!
Last but not least, this is a drawing I drew on some airplane last year. I don't know if this happened last year too, or if I just made it up today, but I nicknamed him "Ares". He has no other name. I named him that because he strikes me as a bit evil... it's either the eye or the kind of lightning- ish marking right on it. A flight attendant actually saw it and showed it to another flight attendant (apparently they liked it, and so do I)! Anyways, I also love the detail in the background (notice the wind! I need to do that again sometime!). Okay, one quick random picture:
I picked it up at the beginning of the year, while randomly browsing pictures. I quite like it (the only reason I have it is because I like it).
This blog is basically what is happening to me these days... what I'm writing, drawing, and doing as projects. Welcome!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
An Update for my Followers (A.K.A. You)
Umm... school. Our integrated subject for this term is to study a country that is close to Australia (preferably somewhere in Asia). I don't know what country I want to do yet, but out of the countries I've seen so far, China looks the most interesting (communism, wrapping up their feet {yes, that's illegal now}, revolutions, etc.), but I'll probably be going for another country (no idea). We just finished our algebra unit in math, I finished reading Alice in Wonderland for reading. For writing I have written quite a few poems, of which I only really like one a lot: it is about the sun... basically it's about the sun talking about himself, talking about how he's "hot". Yeah. "Hot". One of my teachers liked it so much she made me share to the whole entire unit (but she still hasn't gotten to photocopying it after a week...). That's probably the only poem I've written in my whole entire life that I've really liked. A haiku:
I love horses lots
They come in different colors
My favorite's the spots
Yeah, that was made up on the spot (took one minute). Yeah, that kind of sucked. Anyways, we aren't even doing haikus (those are so short, you don't get to say anything!), we're doing free verse.
There's more stuff for school, but who cares? I'm sure you don't (that is meant for the general audience, there are a few exceptions).
I'll just get to other stuff. First:
That is the face of a lady named "Sersi". She's from the Marvel comic books. My friend (Gingersnap) and I were just randomly looking in her character book, and this face pops up... we crack up. A lot. I mean, seriously! She's about to throw a ball of who knows what at someone and she makes that face? Okay, I admit it, I'd be pretty scared. I guess I wouldn't crack up.
As for my art, I haven't done any this week. Miss Kitty needs finishing. So does my dear Ruffian poster (this is taking literally MONTHS). It really sucks because I want to draw so much stuff... Luke from my story, two horse faces in an epic picture, some artist resins, some rodeo pictures, a kitten, and who knows what else (I do, but I don't want to list it all)! Okay, I lied. I drew this girl:
That's Katrina, from my story. She's pretty good... except for the fact her shoulder's too high, her hair is a bit weird, and she's a bit too old. Oh well. Her sword says "Mars Est Scriptor Eligitur Unum" which means "Mars's Chosen One" in Latin (that gives away a bit... meh). I'm not going to tell you why it's in Latin. It'll just give away more (hihi, I'm evil!)
That's the only drawing. And it isn't even finished. So I haven't been very artsy this week...
What I HAVE been is writey? Authory? My point is, I've been working on my stories. So far I have completely planned out Katrina (problems, solutions, settings, and characters, and on a separate note I have actually like written down every single even that's going to happen in the story... a lot), answered some very important questions about Olympus and Camp Half- Blood (I seriously have to come up with a new name, since it's kind of Copyright), planned out Catrin (new name to be chosen as well, why do they have to sound the same? Yes, I could change the name, but I like it!), planned out The Story of a Family (just to make it totally clear, I re- read the thing and it needs SO MUCH MORE DETAIL. I can't believe how bad I was just a year ago!), planned out No Normal Horses (the different versions have different names, and even some different events! I had to put every detail together right, although I'm still going to have trouble making it sound not cheesy... that's what happens when you try to keep writing a story you made up when you were 8), and started coming up with questions for the characters (very important part of the story, nope, not telling). I still need to come up with four more!! It is so hard trying to come up with questions that the audience won't know the answer to... GROAN.
That's the writing stuff. I'm still kind of annoyed at the fact that this is going to happen all over again next year, though. It is SO frustrating having to re- write whole stories (or just writing them in the first place). Anyways, my ranking of my priorities:
1. Katrina
2.No Normal Horses
3. Catrin
4. The Story of a Family
I honestly don't know why No Normal Horses is so important to me. It just IS. So I just have to keep working on it. I honestly think that part of the reason I've started up again is that I've read the Percy Jackson series (OMG, read it RIGHT NOW!!) and I'm reading The Heroes of Olympus (the series after Percy Jackson, really annoyed that there are still two more books that won't be released until 2013 and 2014!). Another reason could be that I've found my two favorite authors' websites and read them through. Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson) said that when he wrote the first book he published the book actually like forced him to write it- like he couldn't stop! I also saw that Laura Gallego Garcia is working on several books at a time, so... I might be on the right track! And by the way, I have finally found my favorite books of all time. I've always said to people that I don't know what books are my favorites, but now I do! The best books of all time: Idhun's Memories! They are three huge books that took me like a whole month to read- but they were SO worth it! They are by Laura Gallego Garcia, and I read them in the original Spanish (but since most of you can't do that, just read them in English!). Read them. Seriously. READ THEM. Even if that means that you don't read Percy Jackson. Yeah, seriously.
And then I guess you guessed that the second best books of all time are the Percy Jackson ones. Seriously. Read those too.
Other updates... Halloween costumes.
I'll tell you about mine. First I was going to be Voldemort (or, as some might call me {and I made this up}: Voldemorta), then I was going to be a random medieval person (like last year), and then I was going to be a bird woman. I finally settled on being a reporter from medieval times, which means I wear a cape and carry around a magic wand as a microphone. How did I come up with this idea? Well, one of my friends and I have gotten into the habit of running around at playtime, screaming "OH MY GOD!! IT'S A PURPLE PLATYPUS!!" (or something of the sort) in heavy english accents. Basically, we are imitating those shows where the guys like go searching for wild animals, or like Survivor. Anyways, it's hilarious, we like, and we're going to be it for Halloween! She's going to be a modern day reporter, and when we go trick- or- treating we're going to scream "OH MY GOD!! IT'S A _______" and then say trick or treat. Then we're going to run away, screaming "OH MY GOD!! IT TRIED TO KILL US!! (because every single creature on our show is poisonous, including the pink and yellow striped zebras), leaving the poor candy- giver standing on their doorstep, completely confused as to what has happened. I love the idea.
I am also going to make a little costume for Dylan (his name was almost "My Little Ghost", so guess!). I seriously need to get a move on, though. Oh well. I think I'll get it done.
I have also re- named some horses (like their show names, not their stable names- those never change). Dylan is now Chasing the Sun (after the song, because it has vampires in the music video, he is a palomino, and I've had it stuck in my head for more than 24 hours. Seriously.), and Idocus is Here Comes the Sun. No, I didn't mean for them to both have "sun" in them. I named Idocus after the song. I figured that since he brings me so much happiness he needs a name worthy of it- I just hadn't found the right one till yesterday. So. Last thing (basically the random picture multiplied by 5):
This girl: amazing photographer. These are her best images. Their names (in order): Wanderers, Slowly Fading Away, Hidden Beauty, Speed of Sound, and Free to Run at Last. Her best ones are probably Speed of Sound and Hidden Beauty. I'll probably be using Speed of Sound for a drawing (if I ever get to it...)
Oh, and by the way, I say Free to Run at Last is amazing because she made the trees look like they were normal size, and the horse is in amazing focus.
I love horses lots
They come in different colors
My favorite's the spots
Yeah, that was made up on the spot (took one minute). Yeah, that kind of sucked. Anyways, we aren't even doing haikus (those are so short, you don't get to say anything!), we're doing free verse.
There's more stuff for school, but who cares? I'm sure you don't (that is meant for the general audience, there are a few exceptions).
I'll just get to other stuff. First:
That is the face of a lady named "Sersi". She's from the Marvel comic books. My friend (Gingersnap) and I were just randomly looking in her character book, and this face pops up... we crack up. A lot. I mean, seriously! She's about to throw a ball of who knows what at someone and she makes that face? Okay, I admit it, I'd be pretty scared. I guess I wouldn't crack up.
As for my art, I haven't done any this week. Miss Kitty needs finishing. So does my dear Ruffian poster (this is taking literally MONTHS). It really sucks because I want to draw so much stuff... Luke from my story, two horse faces in an epic picture, some artist resins, some rodeo pictures, a kitten, and who knows what else (I do, but I don't want to list it all)! Okay, I lied. I drew this girl:
That's Katrina, from my story. She's pretty good... except for the fact her shoulder's too high, her hair is a bit weird, and she's a bit too old. Oh well. Her sword says "Mars Est Scriptor Eligitur Unum" which means "Mars's Chosen One" in Latin (that gives away a bit... meh). I'm not going to tell you why it's in Latin. It'll just give away more (hihi, I'm evil!)
That's the only drawing. And it isn't even finished. So I haven't been very artsy this week...
What I HAVE been is writey? Authory? My point is, I've been working on my stories. So far I have completely planned out Katrina (problems, solutions, settings, and characters, and on a separate note I have actually like written down every single even that's going to happen in the story... a lot), answered some very important questions about Olympus and Camp Half- Blood (I seriously have to come up with a new name, since it's kind of Copyright), planned out Catrin (new name to be chosen as well, why do they have to sound the same? Yes, I could change the name, but I like it!), planned out The Story of a Family (just to make it totally clear, I re- read the thing and it needs SO MUCH MORE DETAIL. I can't believe how bad I was just a year ago!), planned out No Normal Horses (the different versions have different names, and even some different events! I had to put every detail together right, although I'm still going to have trouble making it sound not cheesy... that's what happens when you try to keep writing a story you made up when you were 8), and started coming up with questions for the characters (very important part of the story, nope, not telling). I still need to come up with four more!! It is so hard trying to come up with questions that the audience won't know the answer to... GROAN.
That's the writing stuff. I'm still kind of annoyed at the fact that this is going to happen all over again next year, though. It is SO frustrating having to re- write whole stories (or just writing them in the first place). Anyways, my ranking of my priorities:
1. Katrina
2.No Normal Horses
3. Catrin
4. The Story of a Family
I honestly don't know why No Normal Horses is so important to me. It just IS. So I just have to keep working on it. I honestly think that part of the reason I've started up again is that I've read the Percy Jackson series (OMG, read it RIGHT NOW!!) and I'm reading The Heroes of Olympus (the series after Percy Jackson, really annoyed that there are still two more books that won't be released until 2013 and 2014!). Another reason could be that I've found my two favorite authors' websites and read them through. Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson) said that when he wrote the first book he published the book actually like forced him to write it- like he couldn't stop! I also saw that Laura Gallego Garcia is working on several books at a time, so... I might be on the right track! And by the way, I have finally found my favorite books of all time. I've always said to people that I don't know what books are my favorites, but now I do! The best books of all time: Idhun's Memories! They are three huge books that took me like a whole month to read- but they were SO worth it! They are by Laura Gallego Garcia, and I read them in the original Spanish (but since most of you can't do that, just read them in English!). Read them. Seriously. READ THEM. Even if that means that you don't read Percy Jackson. Yeah, seriously.
And then I guess you guessed that the second best books of all time are the Percy Jackson ones. Seriously. Read those too.
Other updates... Halloween costumes.
I'll tell you about mine. First I was going to be Voldemort (or, as some might call me {and I made this up}: Voldemorta), then I was going to be a random medieval person (like last year), and then I was going to be a bird woman. I finally settled on being a reporter from medieval times, which means I wear a cape and carry around a magic wand as a microphone. How did I come up with this idea? Well, one of my friends and I have gotten into the habit of running around at playtime, screaming "OH MY GOD!! IT'S A PURPLE PLATYPUS!!" (or something of the sort) in heavy english accents. Basically, we are imitating those shows where the guys like go searching for wild animals, or like Survivor. Anyways, it's hilarious, we like, and we're going to be it for Halloween! She's going to be a modern day reporter, and when we go trick- or- treating we're going to scream "OH MY GOD!! IT'S A _______" and then say trick or treat. Then we're going to run away, screaming "OH MY GOD!! IT TRIED TO KILL US!! (because every single creature on our show is poisonous, including the pink and yellow striped zebras), leaving the poor candy- giver standing on their doorstep, completely confused as to what has happened. I love the idea.
I am also going to make a little costume for Dylan (his name was almost "My Little Ghost", so guess!). I seriously need to get a move on, though. Oh well. I think I'll get it done.
I have also re- named some horses (like their show names, not their stable names- those never change). Dylan is now Chasing the Sun (after the song, because it has vampires in the music video, he is a palomino, and I've had it stuck in my head for more than 24 hours. Seriously.), and Idocus is Here Comes the Sun. No, I didn't mean for them to both have "sun" in them. I named Idocus after the song. I figured that since he brings me so much happiness he needs a name worthy of it- I just hadn't found the right one till yesterday. So. Last thing (basically the random picture multiplied by 5):
This girl: amazing photographer. These are her best images. Their names (in order): Wanderers, Slowly Fading Away, Hidden Beauty, Speed of Sound, and Free to Run at Last. Her best ones are probably Speed of Sound and Hidden Beauty. I'll probably be using Speed of Sound for a drawing (if I ever get to it...)
Oh, and by the way, I say Free to Run at Last is amazing because she made the trees look like they were normal size, and the horse is in amazing focus.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Random Stuff that has Happened Lately
Umm... not much to say. School started Monday, we've started doing school stuff again... the usual.
I was just watching Prank Patrol a few minutes ago... Prank Patrol is a TV show where they find a some kids who want to prank their friends or family or something. Every single time I watch that show, I always think "Hm, it would be awesome if one of MY friends pranked me." Then I proceed to think about how. "It would be awesome if she like pranked me by like having people dress up as characters from the book I'm reading and scare me while I annoy her by reading my book instead of playing with her." Now THAT would be awesome. I wish I could prank myself, but frankly, I can't. So too bad.
I really only have to talk about some projects. First, old ones (that I've finished):
I always think, whenever I see this, that it is the cutest thing. And look at my reference picture:
I think my version is so much better (so much CUTER). Just keep in mind, this was drawn like when I was eight. Still pretty good, though :)
This one I drew in the summer of 2011. I was 10, and I think it was RIGHT before I discovered CMM.
(Look down) This one, same thing. It looks like it's like staring at you. Both of them (BTW, these were drawn when I was 10).
Para mis seguidores Espanoles (for my spanish followers).
(look down) This was most likely my reference picture (it was summer 2011, too, so I don't know).
And everyone will recognize this guy (I hope)!
Anyways, I will show you another photo that I might us for a drawing someday:
(yes, I had to make it bigger- better quality!!) Yes, I never get the drawings done. It is always a constant stream of thinking, not doing. Most of the time.
To prove that point:
Remember these girls?
(look to side) Well, take a look at THIS girl:
Yeah. Same reference. Same person. Just a different age (I think I drew the older one when I was 8 or 9, maybe even 10).
Miss Kitty is not finished. I've still got her whole lower body to do (not to mention the sofa background)! Sometimes when I'm just working on her I stop for a moment and feel really sad. We had to leave her in America when we moved, and then she was put down a few months ago when they had to start force- feeding her. It was for the best, but I do miss her. I've always loved cats. I think cats seem to like me, too (maybe because I try so hard to find them). I'll have to finish her soon (the drawing).
On another note, activity on my stories that I have been writing for the past (4-5 years?) has picked up again. I think my wanting to do things has to do with like warmer weather, because last summer I went crazy at drawing and writing. Now I'm starting to pick it up again (especially the drawing, the writing, not- so- much).
Since I have given the drawing report, I will give the writing report.
I made up a new story like a week ago or something called "Catrin". It might change, and she isn't QUITE the main character, but the story kind of revolves around her (that doesn't make sense, does it? Never mind). Anyways, I won't say anymore than that it is about Mongolian Horses, Pegasi, and something in between.
Next, I FINALLY made up a plan for "Katrina" (that is why I am trying to figure out a new name for the other story, you know, "Catrin", and "Katrina"). I got stuck in the middle of writing it last year because I had no idea what to do at the end, and how that would affect the rest of the story. I finally decided. It doesn't really affect the beginning of the book, but the end part is caused by her... well, death. Luke solves the rest (you have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'm not going to explain). Poor guy. It is pretty tragic (not just because of that, but because of the way WAY end. Nope. No explanation).
Extra info on Katrina: it is basically based on the Percy Jackson series (read it right now), except I have some different ideas on gods and how many there are and about monsters. I also named Katrina after hurricane Katrina. No, I don't know how I came up with that. But I think it's a good idea (and also because the name Katrina means "pure"... I don't really know how it fits her, but anyways, I just have the feeling it does). Katrina's probably my most complicated story of them all (although Catrin might be a rival for that award).
And then of course I have "No Normal Horses". That one started way back in '08. I was 7. Since then, I have developed five different copies (one of them is unfinished- and it won't get finished- but still), and I'm still aiming for more. I have always wondered, how do writers know when their stories are ready to go to the editor? I mean, my case is that every single time I have finished this story I have thought, oh, this is it! But then the next year I say "Oh, this sounds so childish and cheesy, I have to fix it!" So I'm going to try to re- write it (for the fifth time) and see how I do. Next year I'll probably come back to it. Anyways, what I have been working on for this story is the questions that are asked of the magical horses (three for each, this story used to be called "The Three Steps"). So far I have come up with three, one for each. I think they're okay (the thinking behind them might sway the crowd to a different answer than the one they think), but I can't think of anything else (and believe me, I tried for like a whole half hour today). I am also thinking of writing a plan, getting it all straight. You want to know how this story was inspired?
I remember reading this book called something "Monkey" something, "Monkey Do". The main character was named Ruby, and somehow that name immediately got me started on a story about magical horses. Don't ask. But anyways, in one of my versions it was dedicated to Peggy Rathman, the author of this book. One of my theories of how it was inspired is this:
(look down) This is Starlight. She is a little pony I got as a gift for something in preschool (I remember taking her out of my little cubby- she was in a purple bag, and from some boy with dark hair). I don't know if she actually inspired part of the story (remember, this is a theory), but one of the magical horses in the story is a sparkly one. Originally I called them "Fireworks", but then I settled with "Magic Horses". Anyways, a few days ago I just randomly picked her up and took her little blanket off, and then I have the sudden realization that she could have shaped part of my story! Then I shall go to the next phase of inspiration:
This is Googie. He is a Webkinz grey arabian.
There is also the Magic Horse in my story. His name is Googie. He is a sparkly grey.
Yeah. I don't know if I had his color settled before I got this boy, but after I got him it was official: Googie is the grey sparkly magic horse, a dapple grey in normal horse form. Over the years the other characters' names have changed (from Starburst to Royce, from something to Kik, etc.), but this guy's has stayed firm. Even Ruby's slipped a bit (I don't know how, but when I read that today I was not very happy with my ten- year- old self). Anyways, this story has a pretty crazy history. I literally forgot it for two years and then wrote it again without realizing that I had an original copy. When I finally did, a year had already passed. I seriously have no clue how it survived (and no, it wasn't Googie, I got him when I started writing again, and no, it wasn't Starlight because I only realized her possible role in this story a few days ago). It's pretty awesome, though. It's like it was meant to be.
I'll get on to the last story: The Story of a Family. This one I wrote last year, and don't have much to change. Just a few touch ups here and there. Definitely more detail in the fighting scene. My friends and I actually tried to make a series out of it (for Youtube after CMM). Sadly we only got to finish the first episode, but it wasn't TOO bad (okay, maybe it was. I sounded TERRIBLE). So that's about it for that story.
List of Inspirations (in order of story appearance in my life):
No Normal Horses (first named "The Lost Magical Horses"): Peggy Rathman's book, possibly Starlight, and Googie.
Katrina: The Percy Jackson series, and possibly hurricane Katrina.
The Story of a Family: My first, original four model horses.
Catrin: Two Schleichs and a Papo (more horses).
So yeah. Sorry about the long ramble on my stories (I would like to be a published author someday, and even if I'm not, just have some really good stories with some really good illustrations- I'm SO looking forward to drawing Katrina soon)!
I was just watching Prank Patrol a few minutes ago... Prank Patrol is a TV show where they find a some kids who want to prank their friends or family or something. Every single time I watch that show, I always think "Hm, it would be awesome if one of MY friends pranked me." Then I proceed to think about how. "It would be awesome if she like pranked me by like having people dress up as characters from the book I'm reading and scare me while I annoy her by reading my book instead of playing with her." Now THAT would be awesome. I wish I could prank myself, but frankly, I can't. So too bad.
I really only have to talk about some projects. First, old ones (that I've finished):
I always think, whenever I see this, that it is the cutest thing. And look at my reference picture:
I think my version is so much better (so much CUTER). Just keep in mind, this was drawn like when I was eight. Still pretty good, though :)
This one I drew in the summer of 2011. I was 10, and I think it was RIGHT before I discovered CMM.
(Look down) This one, same thing. It looks like it's like staring at you. Both of them (BTW, these were drawn when I was 10).
Para mis seguidores Espanoles (for my spanish followers).
(look down) This was most likely my reference picture (it was summer 2011, too, so I don't know).
And everyone will recognize this guy (I hope)!
Anyways, I will show you another photo that I might us for a drawing someday:
(yes, I had to make it bigger- better quality!!) Yes, I never get the drawings done. It is always a constant stream of thinking, not doing. Most of the time.
To prove that point:
Remember these girls?
(look to side) Well, take a look at THIS girl:
Yeah. Same reference. Same person. Just a different age (I think I drew the older one when I was 8 or 9, maybe even 10).
Miss Kitty is not finished. I've still got her whole lower body to do (not to mention the sofa background)! Sometimes when I'm just working on her I stop for a moment and feel really sad. We had to leave her in America when we moved, and then she was put down a few months ago when they had to start force- feeding her. It was for the best, but I do miss her. I've always loved cats. I think cats seem to like me, too (maybe because I try so hard to find them). I'll have to finish her soon (the drawing).
On another note, activity on my stories that I have been writing for the past (4-5 years?) has picked up again. I think my wanting to do things has to do with like warmer weather, because last summer I went crazy at drawing and writing. Now I'm starting to pick it up again (especially the drawing, the writing, not- so- much).
Since I have given the drawing report, I will give the writing report.
I made up a new story like a week ago or something called "Catrin". It might change, and she isn't QUITE the main character, but the story kind of revolves around her (that doesn't make sense, does it? Never mind). Anyways, I won't say anymore than that it is about Mongolian Horses, Pegasi, and something in between.
Next, I FINALLY made up a plan for "Katrina" (that is why I am trying to figure out a new name for the other story, you know, "Catrin", and "Katrina"). I got stuck in the middle of writing it last year because I had no idea what to do at the end, and how that would affect the rest of the story. I finally decided. It doesn't really affect the beginning of the book, but the end part is caused by her... well, death. Luke solves the rest (you have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'm not going to explain). Poor guy. It is pretty tragic (not just because of that, but because of the way WAY end. Nope. No explanation).
Extra info on Katrina: it is basically based on the Percy Jackson series (read it right now), except I have some different ideas on gods and how many there are and about monsters. I also named Katrina after hurricane Katrina. No, I don't know how I came up with that. But I think it's a good idea (and also because the name Katrina means "pure"... I don't really know how it fits her, but anyways, I just have the feeling it does). Katrina's probably my most complicated story of them all (although Catrin might be a rival for that award).
And then of course I have "No Normal Horses". That one started way back in '08. I was 7. Since then, I have developed five different copies (one of them is unfinished- and it won't get finished- but still), and I'm still aiming for more. I have always wondered, how do writers know when their stories are ready to go to the editor? I mean, my case is that every single time I have finished this story I have thought, oh, this is it! But then the next year I say "Oh, this sounds so childish and cheesy, I have to fix it!" So I'm going to try to re- write it (for the fifth time) and see how I do. Next year I'll probably come back to it. Anyways, what I have been working on for this story is the questions that are asked of the magical horses (three for each, this story used to be called "The Three Steps"). So far I have come up with three, one for each. I think they're okay (the thinking behind them might sway the crowd to a different answer than the one they think), but I can't think of anything else (and believe me, I tried for like a whole half hour today). I am also thinking of writing a plan, getting it all straight. You want to know how this story was inspired?
I remember reading this book called something "Monkey" something, "Monkey Do". The main character was named Ruby, and somehow that name immediately got me started on a story about magical horses. Don't ask. But anyways, in one of my versions it was dedicated to Peggy Rathman, the author of this book. One of my theories of how it was inspired is this:
(look down) This is Starlight. She is a little pony I got as a gift for something in preschool (I remember taking her out of my little cubby- she was in a purple bag, and from some boy with dark hair). I don't know if she actually inspired part of the story (remember, this is a theory), but one of the magical horses in the story is a sparkly one. Originally I called them "Fireworks", but then I settled with "Magic Horses". Anyways, a few days ago I just randomly picked her up and took her little blanket off, and then I have the sudden realization that she could have shaped part of my story! Then I shall go to the next phase of inspiration:
This is Googie. He is a Webkinz grey arabian.
There is also the Magic Horse in my story. His name is Googie. He is a sparkly grey.
Yeah. I don't know if I had his color settled before I got this boy, but after I got him it was official: Googie is the grey sparkly magic horse, a dapple grey in normal horse form. Over the years the other characters' names have changed (from Starburst to Royce, from something to Kik, etc.), but this guy's has stayed firm. Even Ruby's slipped a bit (I don't know how, but when I read that today I was not very happy with my ten- year- old self). Anyways, this story has a pretty crazy history. I literally forgot it for two years and then wrote it again without realizing that I had an original copy. When I finally did, a year had already passed. I seriously have no clue how it survived (and no, it wasn't Googie, I got him when I started writing again, and no, it wasn't Starlight because I only realized her possible role in this story a few days ago). It's pretty awesome, though. It's like it was meant to be.
I'll get on to the last story: The Story of a Family. This one I wrote last year, and don't have much to change. Just a few touch ups here and there. Definitely more detail in the fighting scene. My friends and I actually tried to make a series out of it (for Youtube after CMM). Sadly we only got to finish the first episode, but it wasn't TOO bad (okay, maybe it was. I sounded TERRIBLE). So that's about it for that story.
List of Inspirations (in order of story appearance in my life):
No Normal Horses (first named "The Lost Magical Horses"): Peggy Rathman's book, possibly Starlight, and Googie.
Katrina: The Percy Jackson series, and possibly hurricane Katrina.
The Story of a Family: My first, original four model horses.
Catrin: Two Schleichs and a Papo (more horses).
So yeah. Sorry about the long ramble on my stories (I would like to be a published author someday, and even if I'm not, just have some really good stories with some really good illustrations- I'm SO looking forward to drawing Katrina soon)!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Yes... I AM Back!
(I'm going to have to make that a self- portrait some day, don't you think?) Yes, I just got back from Sydney a few hours ago. I'll basically tell you how the whole journey went.
First we went to this little cabin in a place called Mallacouta (is that how it's spelled?). We stayed there for two days and then drove on to Sydney, where we basically stayed there the rest of the time.
Now, onto details.
On the way to Mallacouta we stopped at this tiny island which was literally 200- 300 meters away from the mainland (it was separated by the ocean and we had to take a ferry). I think it was famous for koalas or something because Mom was going like "We have to find a koala, we HAVE to find a koala!".
We did after a few minutes, but I couldn't take any pictures because he/ she was high up in a tree and the zoom on my ipod sucks. So. We drove on a bit more (and we saw a kookaburra, but before we could take pictures it flew away because some guy with a giant truck drove past) to the beach. There we stopped to have lunch, where a giant crow (have I ever said the crows are huge here? They are so scary!) watched us for food. I don't have a picture, since I didn't have my ipod then (but don't worry, there will not be a shortage of pictures, there will be more than thirty of them!). When we finished that we got up and went for a little hike. I saw lorikeets (I think some Galahs too), and we also found another section of beach, which I liked better because of this:
I rather loved the pebbles on the beach, and took a few pictures before I got it right, but this might be my favorite picture of all the trip. Just because I really like it.
So anyways, after that we went back to the car, but right before we go in somebody says "Look! Black swans!".
So we run back to the beach and there they are. We had seen some earlier at the port, but it was really calm there. But there, on the waves in front of the beach it was really choppy, and they're just floating there. I promise you, I DID try to take a picture, but even with zoom they'd have been unnoticeable.
So we finally piled into the car, ready to drive all the way to the cabin, when Mom declares that she hasn't seen enough koalas and makes us take a different route back to the port. I guess it was a good choice because we saw literally five of them. Four of which I couldn't take pictures of, but this one (look down, technical difficulties)... Was literally just a few feet above our heads, so I managed (also, this is continued from yesterday because I had to go to bed). Then we went back off the island and went to the cabin. Probably the most exciting thing that happened around the cabin was that there were these kookaburras that, well... "laughed" every night. It was so freaky! They sounded like a mad dude was in the camp. But anyways. When we weren't in the camp the first day we went to this mountain called Genoa Peak and climbed it. It was really annoying because there were tons of mosquitoes there and if you stood still you'd have to like swat them all away. Unfortunately for me, I got ahead of everyone a lot so I had to stop and wait for them. Especially on the way down. I'll show you some pictures:
I took pictures of all the different kinds of flowers that I saw. At least all the ones that I COULD photograph.
This picture is an ocean view from almost the way top. The rest was basically all forest. It's a big forest.
Then after that (we really only basically stayed there one day) we went to this beach side town called Eden. There we heard about their whale- watching and I found this guy:
This is Jimmy, and he is my sulphur- crested cockatoo!
Dad said that there were a lot of cockatoos in Sydney, we had seen a field full of them driving there, and anyways, he's SO CUTE! I love him. And look at him with his buddies:
So cute! The crow (or raven, not sure) is named Claw, and the eagle is named Baldy. It is really funny because all of them were each purchased exactly two years apart: Claw I bought in the Grand Canyon in 2008 as a souvenir of all the crows/ ravens were flying around, Baldy I bought in 2010 at Snowmass (a skiing resort) because I just couldn't resist, and of course Jimmy was bought right now, in 2012! What a coincidence! And take a look:
What you are taking a look at is their wingspans- each is longer than the other! You can barely tell with Claw and Baldy, but Jimmy's wings are noticeably longer! It is hilarious.
Moving on: so the next day we go back to Eden again to see if we can go whale- watching... in the end we couldn't because there was too much wind and it was a bit too tumultuous out at sea. So we leave Eden and go and drive to Sydney.
Sydney was awesome. I got to see the Opera House, the Sydney Harbor Bridge, the Botanic Gardens, and The Rocks! Pictures:
(I'll tell you how I took these pictures later)
The bridge is that way!
Okay, that's better.
Last glimpse of both bridge and Opera House! My parents lived in Sydney for eight months in (1998 or 1999?) and to get this view all they had to do was walk a bit down the street. Yeah! Seriously! They showed us their old house and everything!
Um, yeah. I also had a tour inside the Opera House, which was epic!
Here is my souvenir. Yes, it is a bookmark. Yes, it is gold- plated. I am never going to use it (I always manage to lose my best bookmarks...)... it will be eternally on my souvenir shelf- which suits it just fine!
Anyways... The Rocks is this place where there is a market where a whole bunch of things are sold. Mom found the exact place where she had bought some special plates we have, and we also met the artist that painted a little jug with a family of cats on it. There I also found one of my favorite things in the world: fossils! I couldn't help it:
These are two ammonite halves. I've always wanted a thing like this. I remember the last time I want to Grandma's house... she has some fossilized bugs like this one, and I asked her where she got them. I forgot where it was, but it definitely wasn't somewhere I could go to anytime soon.
Anyways, I do have a bit of an obsession with what I call "rocks". I
have a geode, peacock ore, normal ore, tiger eye, mica, fake gold, etc. I
do love my rocks.
I also discovered these beautiful aboriginal- style drawings, my favorite being a peacock. I would've liked to draw something like that.
Anyways, you want to know how I took those pictures of the Opera House? I went whale- watching! It was really awesome, but I couldn't take pictures because, as you know, zoom sucks on ipods. We saw a mother with her calf... the calf was named "Jackie W." and the mom was called "Emily W.". And I could tell which was which! It was totally awesome, and I loved it. The ocean was a beautiful color:
It looks a bit more blue in the picture than it actually was, but you get the idea. It was beautiful!
And wholy pink jeep limo (we saw this on the way back)!
This is a sitting horse fail that I did on the way back- I had no reference and I got it all wrong!
I know you can't see this very well, but this is a drawing of this mold (on the left):
I didn't have a reference for that either, so I think I did pretty well for out of memory.
And boy, that horse's coloring is stunning (now I'm going to want to draw it like the other two billion pictures I have lined up)!
And the last drawing of the day:
This was actually drawn a few years ago, and given to my sister for Christmas. Imagine how mad I got when I found it under a car wheel, just abandoned. It's mine now. And a lesson to whoever wants to give something to Cat or Monkey: never give them something you care about. Ever. Something similar actually happened to my friend: she gave my sisters a drawing she really cared about and a few days later I had to save it from being thrown into the trash can. Anyways, my reference picture:
I think I might have to make another copy of this drawing. Just to see how much I've improved.
Oh, and one last thing: all the books I read:
Seriously. I think someone is going to say I read too much.
And I guess I can't deprive you of the random picture:
These are honestly seriously random. Whenever I come across a picture I particularly like I just save it. Like this one.
(I'm going to have to make that a self- portrait some day, don't you think?) Yes, I just got back from Sydney a few hours ago. I'll basically tell you how the whole journey went.
First we went to this little cabin in a place called Mallacouta (is that how it's spelled?). We stayed there for two days and then drove on to Sydney, where we basically stayed there the rest of the time.
Now, onto details.
On the way to Mallacouta we stopped at this tiny island which was literally 200- 300 meters away from the mainland (it was separated by the ocean and we had to take a ferry). I think it was famous for koalas or something because Mom was going like "We have to find a koala, we HAVE to find a koala!".
We did after a few minutes, but I couldn't take any pictures because he/ she was high up in a tree and the zoom on my ipod sucks. So. We drove on a bit more (and we saw a kookaburra, but before we could take pictures it flew away because some guy with a giant truck drove past) to the beach. There we stopped to have lunch, where a giant crow (have I ever said the crows are huge here? They are so scary!) watched us for food. I don't have a picture, since I didn't have my ipod then (but don't worry, there will not be a shortage of pictures, there will be more than thirty of them!). When we finished that we got up and went for a little hike. I saw lorikeets (I think some Galahs too), and we also found another section of beach, which I liked better because of this:
I rather loved the pebbles on the beach, and took a few pictures before I got it right, but this might be my favorite picture of all the trip. Just because I really like it.
So anyways, after that we went back to the car, but right before we go in somebody says "Look! Black swans!".
So we run back to the beach and there they are. We had seen some earlier at the port, but it was really calm there. But there, on the waves in front of the beach it was really choppy, and they're just floating there. I promise you, I DID try to take a picture, but even with zoom they'd have been unnoticeable.
So we finally piled into the car, ready to drive all the way to the cabin, when Mom declares that she hasn't seen enough koalas and makes us take a different route back to the port. I guess it was a good choice because we saw literally five of them. Four of which I couldn't take pictures of, but this one (look down, technical difficulties)... Was literally just a few feet above our heads, so I managed (also, this is continued from yesterday because I had to go to bed). Then we went back off the island and went to the cabin. Probably the most exciting thing that happened around the cabin was that there were these kookaburras that, well... "laughed" every night. It was so freaky! They sounded like a mad dude was in the camp. But anyways. When we weren't in the camp the first day we went to this mountain called Genoa Peak and climbed it. It was really annoying because there were tons of mosquitoes there and if you stood still you'd have to like swat them all away. Unfortunately for me, I got ahead of everyone a lot so I had to stop and wait for them. Especially on the way down. I'll show you some pictures:
I took pictures of all the different kinds of flowers that I saw. At least all the ones that I COULD photograph.
This picture is an ocean view from almost the way top. The rest was basically all forest. It's a big forest.
Then after that (we really only basically stayed there one day) we went to this beach side town called Eden. There we heard about their whale- watching and I found this guy:
This is Jimmy, and he is my sulphur- crested cockatoo!
Dad said that there were a lot of cockatoos in Sydney, we had seen a field full of them driving there, and anyways, he's SO CUTE! I love him. And look at him with his buddies:
So cute! The crow (or raven, not sure) is named Claw, and the eagle is named Baldy. It is really funny because all of them were each purchased exactly two years apart: Claw I bought in the Grand Canyon in 2008 as a souvenir of all the crows/ ravens were flying around, Baldy I bought in 2010 at Snowmass (a skiing resort) because I just couldn't resist, and of course Jimmy was bought right now, in 2012! What a coincidence! And take a look:
What you are taking a look at is their wingspans- each is longer than the other! You can barely tell with Claw and Baldy, but Jimmy's wings are noticeably longer! It is hilarious.
Moving on: so the next day we go back to Eden again to see if we can go whale- watching... in the end we couldn't because there was too much wind and it was a bit too tumultuous out at sea. So we leave Eden and go and drive to Sydney.
Sydney was awesome. I got to see the Opera House, the Sydney Harbor Bridge, the Botanic Gardens, and The Rocks! Pictures:
(I'll tell you how I took these pictures later)
The bridge is that way!
Okay, that's better.
Last glimpse of both bridge and Opera House! My parents lived in Sydney for eight months in (1998 or 1999?) and to get this view all they had to do was walk a bit down the street. Yeah! Seriously! They showed us their old house and everything!
Um, yeah. I also had a tour inside the Opera House, which was epic!
Here is my souvenir. Yes, it is a bookmark. Yes, it is gold- plated. I am never going to use it (I always manage to lose my best bookmarks...)... it will be eternally on my souvenir shelf- which suits it just fine!
Anyways... The Rocks is this place where there is a market where a whole bunch of things are sold. Mom found the exact place where she had bought some special plates we have, and we also met the artist that painted a little jug with a family of cats on it. There I also found one of my favorite things in the world: fossils! I couldn't help it:
These are two ammonite halves. I've always wanted a thing like this. I remember the last time I want to Grandma's house... she has some fossilized bugs like this one, and I asked her where she got them. I forgot where it was, but it definitely wasn't somewhere I could go to anytime soon.
I also discovered these beautiful aboriginal- style drawings, my favorite being a peacock. I would've liked to draw something like that.
Anyways, you want to know how I took those pictures of the Opera House? I went whale- watching! It was really awesome, but I couldn't take pictures because, as you know, zoom sucks on ipods. We saw a mother with her calf... the calf was named "Jackie W." and the mom was called "Emily W.". And I could tell which was which! It was totally awesome, and I loved it. The ocean was a beautiful color:
It looks a bit more blue in the picture than it actually was, but you get the idea. It was beautiful!
And wholy pink jeep limo (we saw this on the way back)!
This is a sitting horse fail that I did on the way back- I had no reference and I got it all wrong!
I know you can't see this very well, but this is a drawing of this mold (on the left):
I didn't have a reference for that either, so I think I did pretty well for out of memory.
And boy, that horse's coloring is stunning (now I'm going to want to draw it like the other two billion pictures I have lined up)!
And the last drawing of the day:
This was actually drawn a few years ago, and given to my sister for Christmas. Imagine how mad I got when I found it under a car wheel, just abandoned. It's mine now. And a lesson to whoever wants to give something to Cat or Monkey: never give them something you care about. Ever. Something similar actually happened to my friend: she gave my sisters a drawing she really cared about and a few days later I had to save it from being thrown into the trash can. Anyways, my reference picture:
I think I might have to make another copy of this drawing. Just to see how much I've improved.
Oh, and one last thing: all the books I read:
Seriously. I think someone is going to say I read too much.
And I guess I can't deprive you of the random picture:
These are honestly seriously random. Whenever I come across a picture I particularly like I just save it. Like this one.
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