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Saturday, September 1, 2012


You may be wondering what suddenly caused me to write a post about Black Caviar (again). Here's the answer:
The only reason I found out was because I was looking around the Breyer website for the contest results (which are not out yet, too much suspense, despite the fact that I have like no chance of placing) and I somehow made it to the forums where there was a topic about Black Caviar. There an Australian had posted that they were releasing a model, it was on the Ruffian mold, and she had already pre- ordered it. It took me about five seconds to find Black Caviar's website and find this picture, and I kind of went mad. I got up, started bouncing, started giggling histerically for god knows how, and then started screaming (and kind of crying too). I think I over reacted a little. But still. It's BLACK CAVIAR we're talking about,  on the RUFFIAN mold!!! I have had quite an obsession about the Ruffian mold ever since I discovered it (and on Ruffian herself, she is my laptop's background image and I see her every day, and I'm also making a poster for her since she isn't in the newspaper). I've never really had the chance to get it until now, though, since she wasn't available. And it's good I waited too! It was what... one, two days ago since I was saying I liked Puuku? Bah, Black Caviar is SO MUCH BETTER!! Sorry, I'm so excited right now. I'm going to have to wait a few months, though, since she is released in November and also she is super expensive (, here I come!). Oh well. As I said, TOTALLY WORTH IT. I actually got a new canvas today, and promised Mom that I would paint a horse on it (since she told me I should paint one, rather than just draw them). So here's the story. I sit down (about an hour ago) and try to find the facial expression I want on this horse's face. And you know what it the only thing I can think of? Yup. You guessed it. The face on that Black Caviar model up there. Yeah. I am a little over the top (and don't deny it, you just read what I did when I discovered Black Caviar in the form of a model horse). Can't resist it, another picture:

Okay, couldn't help it. Two :P
I've already got a name for her (this is too repeated, but I can't help it, I thought of it long before she actually came out and I discovered it), it is My Extreme Obsession. You got that right. Although, there are other names that fit her like "Flawless" or "Fearless" or "Brave". Flawless is probably better than My Extreme Obsession. But My Extreme Obsession is truer... no actually, they're both pretty accurate (Flawless because Black Caviar has won every single race, and so did Ruffian). I'll have to think about it. You could also give me feedback if you like (wink wink, nudge nudge).
Okay, I'll stop talking about horses (for today, well actually, there's still the random picture). There is this video/ song (music video?) called "Gangman's Style" which is HILARIOUS. You have to see it. Click in on "Link". Yes, the guy is singing in Korean. And yes, you can understand some of what he's saying. And yes, the video is so really WEIRD. But still awesome. I like weird music, some of you might know that very well. I guess since we're talking about weird music I like, I'll throw in this Video (Click). Yes, it is called Techno Chicken. And yes, the chicken is singing and dancing. And yes, there is a guy in the background saying "Tasty" (my parents cracked up at that). And no, I did not discover this by myself, and friend of mine (Dapples) told me to take a look at it and ever since then it's been a hit in my house (yes, we are the people of the weird music, at least Dad and I).
Okay, that's it about weird songs (I have more to say than I thought today). Remember this project?
I kind of just decided to start over. The seat isn't quite right, the side isn't long enough, and I found a better more interesting design. So I will be starting over. I will actually not be making my own tassels (because it's just a pain, and I get impatient very quickly)  mostly because I've found some new (goldish/ yellowish?) ones that go awesomely with it. I was also going to make the halter/ bridle with the actual fabric (which would have been so painstaking as well) but found the perfect string for it (it is actually used by CMM, or CinnamonMewMew, to make her own arabian halters, which is awesome because she makes awesome tack!). They all match and look nice together, and I am also debating on going crazy and making what is called "Shark Teeth" in miniature. That will be like so frustratingly hard, but a challenge is good, right? It might be good for my concentration skills (I can get distracted quite easily, for example just now while I was practicing flute and kept stopping and giggling at the picture of Black Caviar, I sound kind of crazy, don't I? Well, my gang is sometimes defined as "weird" since we get a bit hyper sometimes). I'll show you my basic design first:
Okay, maybe not, these are the shark teeth. I might have to make the chain as well, since it is so tiny (this person actually had to use a needle to do this, I'm not so sure anymore...). Here is the basic design:
I love this. It is going to be so awesome!
I'll also be using this as reference, it has some details that are important (like the diamonds, and there is also a close- up picture of the collar centerpiece which I will show you).
This tack set is very useful because it is very basic and not the most realistic. I hope I will get rhinestones sometime make it bling (because this time it is a Hollywood Arabian style set, apparently they're more popular in real life than the Bedouin ones).
I might also be making a few of these in the near future (I'm telling you, that blog is the best!) :)
I guess you want the random picture. *Sigh* There's only two of these that are left. Then we'll get on to the more epic pictures (and believe me, they're cool... but sorry, the have horses in them)! Don't ask about this one, I just like it for some reason. (creepy voice) "Twisted minds..."


  1. By the way, i told Dapples about that video(techno chicken) Do you know why Black Caviar is called Black Caviar when she is actually dark brown(chestnut?)

    1. Well, first of all, you can't really exactly tell what a horse's color is going to be when it matures more. Black Caviar was probably black when she was little. Horses tend to get lighter as they get older (kind of like us when we start getting grey hairs).
      Another reason (I think) is because Black Caviar is valuable, but I can't be sure. A horse could be called Black Splendor or something, even if it was a chestnut or something, because the owners thought it was cool or it had personal significance. Names rarely have to do with the coat color.
      Oh, and by the way, Black Caviar is a dark bay. I know it is very confusable with liver chestnut, but it isn't.

    2. Black Caviar got her name from the place where her Dam(mother) was living at. Helsinge, her Dam, was in Scandinavia and one of the Moody's friends daughter said she liked the salmon with black spots best, thus Black Caviar came to be!

    3. Thanks for telling me that... sounds cool! I never actually really bothered to research, even though I had asked the question...
