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Thursday, January 17, 2013


I'm alive. Seriously.
In the time since I last wrote things have happened...
First was "The Three Kings". Two people have told me it's called Epiphany.
In Spain they have this thing where they put the three kings on carriages (or in parade floats, as in my case) and then have them just go through the whole city until they get to a building (in my case it was the town hall) and then sit down on thrones and have throngs of kids sit on their laps and tell them what they want for the next day.
Anyways, so me and my sisters went to see them at the way end of the trajectory. It was pretty awesome, but since there was so much light and my ipod's camera isn't very good I don't have very amazing pictures, so I'll only show a few.
This was the time when they first appeared around the bend. We had been waiting for an hour/ half an hour, and by then there were SO much people. I managed to stay in front and grab some candy (they were throwing candy, two hit me in the head and one smack dab in the middle of the ipod), as well as take some (not so great) pictures.
This is the only good picture from the day (as you can see in the background, the lights mess the picture up). I thought this was cute, there were three pirates and I shook hands with two (including this one in the picture).
Onto the next day: present day!
In my family we eat the "Roscon" (no idea what to call it in English) for breakfast (others eat it for dessert at lunch). Monkey got the first prize and Dad got a second one (because we ate more than one Roscon). Monkey's was a car and Dad's was a train.
What I got for (should I call it Epiphany?):
-A book
-a race car track
-some other stuff
That's it for that.
I'll move onto my projects.
I found this awesome picture of armor. This is real life. Now I know.
I watched the Hobbit a while ago, and that led me to look up Lord of the Rings armor. This was the only picture that I liked, because of the headpiece.
I will of course make my own version. The M2Anian version.
Also, I haven't started drawing armor yet (although I HAVE drawn a few things).
I was playing a design a horse game a few days ago because I was excited about a horse back riding lesson that was coming up (will add details later) and I (of course) picked my favorite color. Then, accidentally...
I pressed the grey. And it turned out I really liked it. So now I have to reconsider my favorite horse color.
Black appaloosa or grey appaloosa? I'll decide eventually.
Okay, about the horse back riding lesson...
Dad had arranged for all three of us to go horse riding. Problem was, Cat and Monkey got sick. Then, the day I was going to go riding, the aunt that was supposed to drive me there got sick as well (because she insisted on being with my sisters). It was also raining cats and dogs (meaning: it was raining A LOT- right now Bilbao is flooding in places).
So anyways, by some amazing luck, we got one of my other aunts to drive me there because she likes horses as well and knows where the farm is.
When I got there, my horse Pirate was already tacked up for me (since they didn't know what level of experience I have) and within ten minutes I was trotting. TROTTING. It took me half a year to get trotting last time I rode (8-9 years old, I got really frustrated with how slow the lessons were going then). Anyways, it was pretty awesome (except for the times that Pirate got scared of the tractor and went all over the place and even started cantering for a few seconds before I stopped him, but whatever).
The excitemen.t was also increased by the fact that since two other boys in my class hadn't cleaned their horses properly they were told to trot without stirrups and I misheard and took them off too. At first I was fine, but then suddenly Pirate started trotting the tiniest bit faster, and boom I was hanging onto his neck about to fall down. Luckily he had the common sense to stop and I dismounted (off his neck). So technically I didn't fall. But personally, it didn't ruin the lesson at all. Everyone was all surprised that I hadn't screamed or anything, and it's true- I just kind of held on and then slipped off. I'm weird sometimes, and thinking about it, the only other time I've had the threat of falling I didn't scream either (the horse stumbled, but luckily I didn't go over it's head). Personally, that time was much scarier than this. And I didn't even come off the saddle.
Anyways, other news...
I'm in Madrid right now. I came here on a bus, and today we've been in Valladolid to see some of Dad's friends (it was pretty good, I got a new fashion design book {I've already got a dress in mind}, we ate at a buffet, and we played with some kids).
Tomorrow is my youngest cousin's birthday, so we're staying in the house to celebrate (my sisters will be dancing with her, and I'll be painting flowers, mermaids, and horses on her walls). I think it will be nice. This is one of the horses I'm putting on the wall:
My style, of course.
Onto random pictures (yes, in plural, I can't help it)!
Alright, I was playing this game and I came up to this river. I love this river. Can you guess why (answer's next to the next picture)?
This softie is called "The Dollop". It's from a book called "Softies" that I own. I plan to make "The Dollop". It's cute.
By the way, the answer is that the river never goes past the trees. I always crack up when I see it!

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