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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Christmas is Coming!

Wooh! In Spain it is, anyways. In English it's called "The Three Wise Men". In Spanish "Los Tres Reyes Magos" (the exact translation to english is  "The Three Wizard Kings"). These three men ride all around the world on their camels to bring kids their presents on the fifth of January. Tonight we're going to see a whole float of giant carriage things bring them around the city. Apparently they will throw approximately 3 tons of candy, and the carriages will use up (600?) watts of electricity (there are seven: one in front, then one of the men, another there, another man, another there, another man, and then another there). Anyways, so then when the kids wake up on the sixth all the carrots that they left in their shoes are eaten by the camels, the bucket of water drunk, and under their shoes there are presents!
This holiday was made up because when Jesus was born a giant star appeared on top of his birthplace. The Three Kings then got on their camels, trying to find where the star comes from, and end up getting together. Right before they get to baby Jesus they have to surpass these three challenges (I think one is courage, another is like "bow to another opinion" or something, and another something to do with emotions), and then they get their golden gifts that they then bring to Jesus on the sixth. That might not be quite right, but at least I tried (from memory).
Okay, onto real life.
At midnight I took a picture on my ipod. I also meant to do it at 2:00 (in the afternoon), since that was when midnight was in Melbourne, but I was reading a book and only realized I had forgotten at like 2:36 or something. Luckily staying up didn't mess up my sleeping times, so that's good. I think it took about 2 days to get used to the time.
I'm pretty sure this was before New Year's, but one of my uncles really likes airplanes so he put together a group of carpenters and got them to make this model airplane, which is really cool (although really dusty).
I still cannot understand how airplanes fly. It's just too complicated. They're big giant lumps of metal, with only a stream of air to keep them going straight coming out the back, and wings that don't even flap! Those brothers that invented the airplanes... they were geniuses.
Since I don't have much else to say, I'll just get on with drawings.
I'm doing this thing called doodle a day, where I just got a planner with big pages to draw on and make myself draw something every day. I believe this was the second.
My favorite on that page is this owl- titled "Cute Owl".
It was inspired by this guy. I would have drawn more details, except I was tired and it was late and I'm not supposed to do more on that page any other day. I guess I could have re-done it, but whatever.
I love this page. It's just really random, and I like that.
I finished this a LONG time ago (like before I left Australia), but I kept forgetting to put it up. Anyways, Miss Kitty is finished, even if the sofa IS two different colors (somehow the colored pencil I was using got lost- and it was a good color, too) and I haven't signed it yet (I suddenly remembered yesterday and still haven't gotten around to it).
I also finished this girl on New Year's: the perfect time to be productive! (copyright M2A)
As I've said before, she might be a bit old, and her shoulder a bit too high, but whatever. I like her. She's pretty much the best human being I've done in all my life. Also, I managed to fit all of "Mars Est Scriptor Eligitur Unum" on the sword!
Last but not least I've come up with a name for armor of my design (the armor references are just REFERENCES, I'm actually trying to design my own): M2Anian armor (sadly I cannot use my real name here, so it shall be called M2Anian, which actually kind of sounds cool, if I know you you can ask me what it actually is, if you comment or email me).
Random picture:
CMM makes the best customs- whether they're Breyers or My Little Ponies!


  1. I believe the official name for the three kings' celebration on January 6 in English is "Epiphany". See the Wikipedia article:

    1. Okay, another person said it was Epiphany too, so you'r right. Will put it in the netx post.

  2. Wow, great drawings! Love your owl & cat, and your New Years Eve girl looks very real. Happy New Year & hope you enjoyed the Epiphany!

  3. El mejor dibujo que has hecho de alguien ha sido en mi opinión el de tu autorretrato de cuando estabas en Ebert.

    1. Quieres decir el de Bill Roberts? El que pusieron en la biblioteca?
