Last time I talked I was in Madrid, about to paint on a wall. Now... well, I'm in Bilbao, and I painted my cousin's wall as a birthday present.
The wall had two horses and a flower. I think it was okay, and hope she'll like it (when she grows up of course, she's only 1 now).
So, I've come.
To Bilbao.
I'll come back to Melbourne on Sunday (well, at least go on a plane then, there's no knowing when I'm getting off). I have ANOTHER horse back riding lesson on Saturday (YAY!), and I have done some stuff lately.
(Look down) A few days ago I went to see the Puente Colgante (exact translation "Hanging Bridge") otherwise known as Puente Vizcaya ("Vizcaya Bridge"). It's called the hanging bridge because there's this part of the bridge that's hanging from the top that's kind of like a ferry except (is the right word "flying" or "hanging"?). Anyways, the thing is HUGE (and dark red- crimson? It's for representing the location it is in), therefore hard to photo. I don't think this photo is too bad, though. It's pretty cool (with the weird perspective and it looking all black and stuff).
So these pictures are of (part) of the view from the bridge (I was 50m up), and one side is the (river?) with the city, and the other is part of the city with the ocean. It was nice (but cold).
Today I had a walk around the city (it was nice) and got the coolest (seriously, COOLEST) shirt ever (but nobody will get it when I get back home... sigh).
Since I don't have anything else to say...
I'll talk about KITTIES!
So far my favorite breed of cat is the Egyptian Mau (these two). Sure, I like persians and maine coons, but I like the sleeker cats because, really, the persians are so incredibly ugly they're cute (I don't know if that's a compliment...) and the maine coons are plain ridiculous (too fance`, as I say, like fancy, but with an e sound).
I like the siamese (they're pretty), but so far these guys are the best (but I haven't been able to fully inspect my cat breed book, so). I like fance` cats (at least some of them).
Also, I really want to draw some kitties... in CARTOON! Remember Abby the Kitty? Well, cartoons like that.
I just randomly remembered (well, not randomly, I started re-writing No Normal Horses as a picture book) these today, and decided to dig them out.

Idocus (who reminds me of some sort of dog in the drawing)...
(above) Brom the draft horse.
Kit, the innocent bystander.
The dumbos (b isn't pronounced).
(my favorite) Sam, the younger child.
(below) Sean, the older child.
(technical difficulties) Onto the random picture!
That's a picture of the pavement in Bilbao. There's barely anything flat, just these flower things. It's the thing I think is most different (aesthetically) in different countries.