1. School has ended! I don't know if I've explained this yet, but in Australia there are four terms of school, and in between each term two weeks of vacation. Last Friday was the last week of Term 3, school is almost done!
At the end of Friday I got to find out that my movie (the one where I got the Oscar- did I mention that was for the beard?) made it to the film festival! Only four made it, out of maybe 20 or something like that? It was also presented to the whole school (everyone seemed to like it!). We'll see the results of that near the end of the year, I think.
2. Talking about competitions, I never told you what happened with the photo contest (the model horse cross country one). Well, they haven't like officially told the results to everyone, so I'm thinking that they just emailed the person who won, sent them the model horse, and nothing else.
Don't worry, I'm not disappointed. First of all, you should just SEE pictures I've seen for shows. Some people are just AMAZING. Second, the people in charge of answering the questions for the show let me down by answering my questions too late. I submitted the rest of the contest information (forwarded with the original entry), but I suspect that they probably didn't count it because it was late. I'm kind of mad about that, because it wasn't even my fault. I mean, it is their job to read the emails! And last, lately they haven't answered any single of my emails (whether it is contest entries or just horse suggestions). It might be because Gmail is having a problem (who knows) or something else. There is no way of finding out. Also, I do live in Australia, so I'm sure they wouldn't have been thrilled with shipping the model all the way here. Just saying, that could have been a reason.
3. Tomorrow I'm going to Sydney! Yeah, it's going to be awesome! Can't wait! I'll also be going camping :)
4. My birthday has passed, and I got a bunch of stuff. I don't know what my favorite is, but they're both involved in this picture:
i. It's white.
ii. It's not got a pink case (it still needs a case!).
iii. It's got an engraving on the back saying M2A's Magical Music, love Mom and Dad. Which is awesome! I didn't even know that you could do engravings on the back (my engraving is a play on words, see if you can guess it!)!
Oh yeah, and by the way, Dylan isn't just any Breyer. He is even more special: he is a Peter Stone. I know that that must mean nothing to you but Peter Stone is like a top company, who makes top- standard model horses, and in very limited quantities. They are also usually very expensive, but ebay is my friend and Dylan was a good price. But if I was one of those collectors who needed all their horses to be LSQ, then I would be disappointed, because he's got many flaws, but since I am not that kind of collector, I was so amazed at just how GORGEOUS he is! He has got the most amazing shading I have ever seen (even better than Kripton's!) and his markings and eyes are just beautiful! Okay, I just had to get up and pick him up and cuddle him right now because I love him so much (yes, very over- obsessed, I have said it before)!
(oh, and by the way, the other picture I took for fun because I thought the shadows looked awesome on him, I've always kind of had thoughts about him having dark intentions) this is his right eye, which is my favorite because it's got the pink around it. The marking doesn't cover the left eye, so it doesn't have anything around it. So anyways, I always hear collectors say how cool it is that their horses have tri- colored eyes, when Dylan has quadruple colored eyes! I know you can't really see it, but he has a bit of white rimming the edge. And on the other eye you can see it even better! But enough talking about him.
5. I have got tons of things to draw!
It's the tail that got me. And the dapples.
I thought this face looked so serene, so wise. The rest, not so much.
I just thought this was about the cutest draft you could ever see :)
You know this kitty :)
(for the next picture) I've taken a fancy to donkeys now too! They are the cutest!

(this one's supposed to go last) This one is very important, because that's what's going to fill the empty canvas up. It's going to be called "Unicorn". Don't ask, because I'm not going to tell you. I love this unicorn!
6. Now some random pictures (excludes Tango, computer not happy)!
(above, computer hates) Fish says hello (it's a pen, I discovered this weird quality when I held it up and accidentally looked- it's hysterical!).
Kripton just looks amazing in the mornings (no, seriously, if I put him on my desk he looks so realistic!).
I think those were all the random pictures you needed today. Thanks for reading. I had the idea of asking you what to draw next, but with all this stuff I think it's enough...
No, it isn't. More.
This artist stole my idea! Proof:
This is a sketch from a few months ago. I call it "Dreamer". They're both drafts. They're both colts. They both have their heads down. This is outrageous (nah, a major difference is that one is sleeping and one is not, durr, M2A!)!!
And yes, I will still work on this drawing. It's just a bit too big for the car, and I prefer to keep on the computer just in case printings changes the color a bit (if it does I won't get the shading exactly right).
Last thing. Promise.
When I was at one of my friend's birthday parties we went to the zoo. Then we went to where the butterflies were. I had the idea of putting my hand up like a branch and being patient, but the being patient part wasn't necessary, because five seconds later this butterfly lands on me! Luckily one of my friends took a photo and sent it to me :)
Now I'm done. Seriously.