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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Long Time, No See!!

Okay, yes, I went seriously overboard with not posting this time. I mean, when was the last time I posted something? Like, a real post? (checks) Uh-oh. March 19th. Luckily not 2012. But that's bad enough. I mean, seriously. Since I have lived so much life since I last wrote I will briefly summarize it:
Wait a second, the last post I was just starting on my softie!! That softie is done now, and it has nothing to do with unicorns. It has to be a surprise for a friend that reads my blog, though, so I cannot post it (yet!). It is SO cool, it will never leave my life EVER.
Anyways, I'll try to summarize my life now...
Wait a sec, that was right after the choir camp?! Oh no, it's been too long.
So I'll summarize it the best I can...
-I went to Fiji for a week!
-I had various interesting assemblies at school (including one about breast cancer, two run by two year 7 houses, and others).
-I created my softie of awesomeness.
-I bought some things that will give me productiveness for probably more than a year.
-I went to Japan for a little more than a week (it was cool- I went to almost the top of the Tokyo Skytree, which is basically Tokyo's Eiffel Tower, and got TONS of souvenirs, including these two really cute manga books called "Princess Knight" which are really good. I also killed my feet one day but had tons of fun.).
-I was SO VERY productive last night!
This is a sketch that I came up with about a year ago:
At first it was just black and white because I didn't really feel like it needed color because I had all the colors in my head (that didn't make sense, did it? Why would I not even shade a finished drawing?). But then I remembered the last time I had been to France, when I did a painting with my grandma. She asked my to do a sketch before I started painting, so I did. Then she also told me that it had to be in color, and that it had to be exactly as I wanted the color to be. With this sketch I grudgingly added color, but didn't really try very hard so it doesn't look that good.
You must be asking yourself: Why don't I like adding color to my sketches? The answer is, I'm impatient. Once I get an idea in my head, I want to do it, NOW. With paintings that basically impossible, except with this little gem:
This painting was painted on August 29th, 2011 (I checked). It took me one evening. No planning, no nothing. A light bulb turned on in my head and that was it. An hour or two later, this is what became of my inspiration (not including the paper at the edge, that's just hiding my name).
This canvas may not look it on the picture, but it's pretty big. I guess you could put 4 whole pieces of paper onto it without them overlapping. So now it currently resides one the hallway wall, where I pass it everyday.
I think I was more creative (in a way) when I was younger because all my ideas just came out just like that, without any thought or planning (I'm serious: 3 out of the four stories that I am currently working on just basically came out by themselves-especially the first, which I wrote when I was seven years old-, and even though one of them I had to set out and plan last year so I could know how it would end, I still work off the originals).
What I'm trying to say is that yes, the idea kind of develops in my head subconciously, but then when it finally is done it came out and in an hour or two it was done. This painting was inspired by these:
This is a series in Spanish that was about magic. I loved them then, and I'm intending to read them in a few weeks again.
But that sketch... I have no idea what inspired it whatsoever, or I can't remember. But that doesn't matter now, because last night I got a little urge to just paint and took my (already prepared) canvas and just started painting. After a few hoyrs, this was the product:
I'm pretty happy (even if the lips are a bit awkward). It turned out much better than I thought it would, but I guess that's because I just spent an eternity mixing colors and using super tiny brushes for almost everything except for a lot of the background.
Anyways, I think that what triggered my sudden urge to paint was another painting idea. There is this gorgeous song which I just love and in Japan (last week) I just got the sudden idea that would enable me to use my extra canvas that won't ever give me peace (wherever I move it it's always falling down and just causing inconvenience, which on the bright side at least lets me remember that it exists). Anyways, I'm not giving any hints to what song it is, but I will say that my sketch didn't start off well so I'm being forced to do some research (I've only found four pictures so far, none of which are like my vision, which is annoying because I'm not that good at drawing people, much less wings-hint ;) .
Oh yes, I forgot to say that, again that little strip of paper at the edge isn't part of the painting, it's just covering up my name.
Hope you enjoyed!

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